• julie Marks
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  • Added 06 Oct 2007
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Molly's Birthday Surprise

Drool is Molly's most devoted friend and eagerly waited the morning of her birthday to pounce on her stomach to wish her a Happy Birthday? Our elegant canine is not in her most lady-like pose in a deep sleep with her legs spread peeking out of the corners of the second duvet she received among her many birthday presents. Drool could not control his excitement since he used all the money he earned from his bestselling book, Bogology and the Criminal Mind. He only needed to buy materials from Charlie to make Molly another Duvet cover, especially since she loves to slide down the hill on her belly as if she was on a boogie board. Having another to keep her bed clean especially since Molly values her shiny coat was a generous gift. Lillian was never able to transform Drool after Molly found her transformative spells and that continues to enrage her “Grandwitch.” The profits from the book were used for research into this mysterious species that some believe may have lived in a world much like Tolkein's Middle Earth called Bogland before the Inhumanoids destroyed their lands. I took a photo of Bogland that I will share after uploading it from my Boglin files. Although, Inhumanoids can look like people, they have a hidden agenda to destroy our planet. In alliance with humans, their inhumane behavior has led to war, the destruction of our eco- system and too many heinous and unconscionable crimes to mention. Molly is proud that she has successfully tamed her Boglin family with the Help of Dr. Jo and her bearded dragon, Nebo. Our family of six are not released from their cages when visitors or relatives arrive since the different views of humans can provoke their destructive behavior, especially when anyone refers to our President George Bush. Their eyes glow and they go berserk. Political views or what party one belongs to is everyone’s choice;however this rational view has no impact on the Boglins who have seen harmony in their own land before it was destroyed by the evil Inhumanoids. I must warn people that Boglins are dangerous if they hear the name Bush or Dubya as mentioned in the “Bushims” popularized by the brilliant author and creator, Molly Ivans in her book, Scrub. Molly has written down her 50 most favorite Bushisms. She looks so puzzled when she asks me to explain how our President can say so many things that even a canine would never utter like her fifth Bushism, "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." --LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000. Molly and Mikey understand why Molly Ivans thought that our President's name Bush was too large for such a small man. His comments are frightening to the Boglins who are known to explode with tirades about our government and other controversial subjects that trigger the fury of the Saint Vitus's dance, a form of medieval lunacy. The same activity was known as tarantism, a contagious epidemic of dancing in medievel Italy that was supposedly caused by a toxic bite from a hairy spider. When I walked into her room, I was surprised that Drool had not awoken Molly given how excited she was to see all her presents. If you want to know more about the history of this unusual species, you can read about these unusual swamp creatures that were first discovered by Dr. Joanna Jungjohann who became the first Bogologist to gain fame when she discovered this previously unknown, strange and intelligent reptilian species. To learn more about the larger species, Boglinus Humungus, you can see my photos and read my narratives about this amazing tribe in the subcategory supernatural, “The Boglin Drool.” Since our family has grown, I have given them their own category as I continue to study their habits and personality traits at the Institute of Bogology that now has two campuses, one in Los Angeles, California and the other at the larger campus at the University of Louisiana, Lafayette where Dr. Jungjohaan, the world’s noted scholar on Reptilian Behavior and Waterways including bayous, marshes and swamps continues to dedicate hours of scholary research as a specialist of Unique Species, Vegetation and Wildlife. She specializes in Land Animals, Lizards Birds and Fowl. She just completed a fascinating paper on the habits of the Laughing Gull, the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo and the Screech Owl. Dr. Jo as many affectionally call her also received an honorary degree in Applied Science at the University of Canberra, in Australia. Her expertise on herpetology, field survey, taxonomy and biogeographic assessment of species is unparalleled. Her knowledge and collaboration with one of my esteemed colleagues, Mr. John Wombey, honorary fellow at CSIRO, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization is the nation’s leading science agency and one of the largest and most diverse research agencies in the world. Discovering the Inland Taipan known as the fierce snake, the most venomous snake in the world brought this modest scientist notoriety among her colleagues in 1971.This snake was first described in a paper published in 1893, but like the Boglins was missing for nearly a century. Despite the snake’s reputation as a killer, Dr. Wombey notes an interesting fact, “There are no documented records of this snake killing anyone. The most venomous snake in the world and we know of no one who has died from its bite.” Can we say that of our own species?? Since she has published many papers on the origin and behavior of these fascinating swamp creatures. We still have yet to find Snish and Globster, mutant sea life Boglins that appear to be the first to be discovered. Now that Halloween is approaching we hope to find Bag o’ Bones who has been kidnapped and appears to have disguised himself as a pumpkin in the Boglin Identity Protection Program. I think he may have escaped and Dr. Jungjohann has created a task force that specializes in capturing this species in the wild bayous in the Southern United States. They also have been seen in other countries, but populate most abundantly in the swamps in Louisiana. If you spot any Boglins, please let me know. They are considered an endangered species and we can’t afford to lose more species that are close to extinction. She is most sensitive to this since her breed, Red and White Irish Setters were close to extinction and only 7 existed after Word War I. Now there are about 1,000 in the United States and the finally Red and White Setters have been accepted in the show ring. Although she thinks she is a model and is a gorgeous dog, I told her I am not interested in focusing on her looks. People who compete in dog shows can more fanatic than mothers who encourage their children to be models in beauty contests. The politics also are often corrupt so Molly decided that the although she has the body and looks, her values would be compromised at Westminster, the most prestigious dog show in the United States. She has better things to do with her time and since she believes humans are one the most endangered species, she has joined Mikey in his valiant and noble attempt to save life on our planet or at least as a therapy dog to contribute time to helping those in need. Molly will soon start her training to visit nursing homes for the Elderly. For now Molly is satisfied with her Designer Barbie dolls that she listed on her extensive birthday list that also will be used as her Christmas gift. Molly has started her collection with Dior, Armani, Givenchy, Versace, and Chanel Barbie. I took pictures of her Rupal Doll who is 99% Plastic and 1% Woman. Crafted in collector grade vinyl this impressive 13" tall doll features a custom sculpted stance that boasts seven points of articulation. Hair Color Bombshell Platinum - Eye Makeup Passion Plum - Lipstick Raspberry Sorbet. The world was introduced to RuPaul when her first single "Supermodel (You Better Work)" hit the charts to International acclaim in 1992. This now legendary look features a satin bustier, multi-toned tulle skirt, full-length gloves and a golden signature choker. A look truly fit for a queen! I have items that will be posted in my private gallery among some other novelty toys like the “weenie” babies, ballsy and bitchy bear and others that some may find offensive. Also Georgia, the flatulent boxer finds great delight in the website, www.pullmyfinger.com. Although it is age appropriate for young girls to laugh at the flatulent humor of songs like Silent, But Deadly Night, Oh Gassy Tree and Jingle Smells (A Cappella), others may not find their humor as amusing or acceptable as we do. Most kids go through a stage where nothing is funnier than flatulent humor. What is important is to teach Molly and her friends who love gags and pranks, that their private games are not appropropriate for all occassions. For the list of all her songs and pranks, I would model that message by using the private gallery for what may be perceived as not so amusing by adults who have actually grown up. The child in me is irrepressible so the kids usually have a blast (excuse the pun!). We have fun with our dog's unusual taste in some very unusual websites that include her collection of wacky dolls. I passed down some of my favorites to her as precious finds. She plans to set up a fashion show of her designer Barbie’s that I will photograph and will be in good taste.

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Anonymous Guest 22 Jun 2011


Anonymous Guest 25 Nov 2008

hfgDmO himamaster hi

Anonymous Guest 31 Jul 2008

good site dude

Anonymous Guest 14 Jul 2008

It's serious

Anonymous Guest 11 Jul 2008

It's serious