• julie Marks
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  • Added 20 Sep 2007
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Good Golly Miss Molly

Today, September 20th is Molly's birthday. I imagine many of you feel you know her. She is one of the most amusing, lovable and fashion oriented canines I have ever had the pleasure to adopt as one of our family members. Her daddy made her a special duvet for her birthday chosen by Molly to coordinate with her canine decor. She said that she wanted a present before her official birthday today since she would be sleeping at 12AM when the hour struck beginning her birthday festivities. After I tucked her in and read her one of her favorite stories, A Wrinkle in Time, a classic book for children of all ages, she asked how many birthday gifts did you buy me? I told her she already received a lovely gift and soon it would even be cozier with the down filler. As you can see by her expression, she was not completely satisfied and remained somewhat skeptical if her large birthday list would be honored by us and her human and canine friends. I told her I knew she wanted everything on her list and I hoped she could hold her consumptive attitude in check when her friends arrived to celebrate her party at 6PM. Patience and controlling her need for more toys and things than she receives is a challenge for our greedy Ms. Molly. I did buy her Little Richard's classic song, Good Golly, Miss Molly!! At her request I did visit www.k9kloud9.com/ shirts to register Molly's complaint that the world of dog fashion has not been focused on the larger breeds as it should or could be. The founder of the company Ann-Marie Fleming @www.K9Kloud.com told me to offset the problem for bigger breeds, their company was gradually bringing in more products that would fit both Molly and Mikey. I was relieved that she had in stock t-shirts including the sequin top that Molly wanted. Unfortunately, the collared shirts would be too small. This is the first company that carries a large inventory of shirts fitting chests L "21-36" and XL fitting 35+. She will be delighted that they had the sequin top that she adored. This is the duvet she choose for her new room and tomorrow she will get another for colder nights. I said goodnight Molly and you don't have to look at me with your questioning eye!! It is hard to teach manners to a fourteen-year-old girl. I will fill you in on the birthday gifts and the gourmet dinner she and Mikey will have prepared by their brother and my son Kevin.


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Kathryn Arruda 27 Nov 2007

Molly, you look so elegant in repose beneath the lovely ornate duvet! I do hope you had a wonderful birthday, but I imagine every day is great with such a loving family. Ah, I can see the expression of sheer satisfaction on your face!

Emily Reed 20 Sep 2007

Really cute and adorable!!!!!!

Michael Forbus 20 Sep 2007

Molly, I am a good friend of your Mama's and you had better behave and duck if you get wind of any odd smells so that the shoe doesn't hit you. It could possibly be the grandmama sliding one and blaming you or that flatulent dog that is coming to your party. I hope that you have a great time and try and keep your nose out of other's private areas. I know it is hard for you setters but it might be more ladylike. I just love your new blankie and you know Mama is going to just spoil you with gifts and organic prime rib. So have a great time and dance one for me. And say hi to your wonderful parents for me. You are very lucky to have adopted them. My birthday wishes. Michael

Joke Schotting 20 Sep 2007

Great shot Julie!!

mahesh konsam 20 Sep 2007

are they so faithful ?!!! excellent shot !!

Artist Reply: They are so faithful and there are many "tails" of devotion that I have read that are so touching and amazing about their loyalty and kindess. I have a list of charities I contribute to that I will post in the blog section when I have time. Thanks Mahesh for your thoughtful comment!!

Elizabeth Levi 20 Sep 2007

Normally I'm not a fan of pet photos but this is a great one... the colors then the face peeking out. And that eye! What personality!

Laurie Rawdon 20 Sep 2007

Happy Birthday Molly!!! :)

Joanna Jungjohann 20 Sep 2007

did you forget to send bessie ho and nebo's invite, ms molly? they will be devastated. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear cuzin molly, happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!~

Artist Reply: OMG OMG OMG? I sent them special invitations with my list of birthday gifts. Although, I see my mommy in so much pain about people who neglect their animals, I am too young to feel the need to give to charity. I guess some people would think and I am selfish and they would be RIGHT!! I know some of the people I invited don't have money for a big birthday present so my list has prices that are affordable for most. I don't want to look as greedy as I am. Mommy says my character will grow with age. I am not sure that is a good or bad thing if I don't get what is on my list. I know it is long, but people can also buy me the gifts on the list for Halloween or Christmas, my two favorite holidays. I already have picked out my costume, but it is a secret for now. I don't like when other people have secrets, but I like to surprise people with my quirky sense of humor. My mom collects masks and every Halloween buys a new mask for her collection. In Ursula's that is a funny store with pranks, costumes and other oddities is a department for dog costumes for Halloween. Mikey likes to wear his coat and go as a Freckled English Setter, but I love to play dress up and hope he will join me this year. Now that he is 9 (63 in human years), I would need Bessie Ho or one of my younger girlfriends to go trick or treating this year. I better stop writing since I have to get ready for my party and I hope I am not disappointed, but "It's My Party and I'll cry if I want to. I will write you a private letter about how sad I feel that my Southern cousins are not coming to my party. I am two years old and Mommy told me in human years that two years old is a difficult age for parents; early adolescence is no picnic after meeting all the bitches in camp!! I need to have a girl-to-girl talk with you cuz. That would be my best present. The first is having a great mommy and daddy and of course my extended Southern relatives. Who knew my name Molly Marks may be related to your family tree? Please as my first and least expensive gift from you, tell me about my family tree. I know my mother would love to take a photograph of it and I certainly don't want to worry about someone cutting it down!! OMG!!