• aeralea ri
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  • Added 13 Sep 2003
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Vega, Rose of Barcelona

A few weeks ago I promised a friend of mine a pic. I emailed her asking what she wanted and if she didnt mind that I'd like to have it be a video game character. That night I had a dream about Vega - not usual for me at all. The next day I had gotten a reply - the only requirement was that it be a blonde vg bishounen. And so this image was born! ^_^v This image is dedicated to (and for) Lilith Wagner!! I hope she likes it even though he ended up a bit more muscular than I'd planned....... Um, so far as the image - pencil drawing painted in Painter Classic. (Which I just got with my pen and tablet - YAY!) In case anyone is wondering - the background is based on the actual Barcelona level of Street Fighter Alpha 3. I know Vega's not wearing his bracelet and shoes - but hey - he's relaxing here!! ^_^v So far as content goes - this is after the ending of the games where Vega stops being so insane as he's fallen in love with his little commando clone Cammy. (Not that I'm a huge Vega & Cammy fan - but the end of SFA3 seems to be heading that way - and dun give me any gruff about the supposed backwards order of the SF series - this could happen! so there! ;p ^_^;; ) Anyways, I guess that's enough rambling for me! I promised one other image after that to someone and that be of Vincent Valentine - should be coming with in the next couple weeks! ^_^v


Anonymous Guest

Yvette Wade 17 Feb 2004

GOOD HEAVENS, that is a pretty man. Vega has to be my favorite chracter from Street Fighter...*-* Woo...

Anonymous Guest 01 Feb 2004

You have a done good job in the bagground and the roses looks realistic ^^

Marshall Griffin 29 Nov 2003

Very well done fanart. I'm not personally a fan of Vega, but the pic rocks.

Paul Arruda 29 Nov 2003

vega is bad#@&, even if he is a little feminine