• Annabel Lee
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  • Image 19 of 38
  • Added 24 Aug 2003
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Wanting you in my web -

Okay, this here is part 1 of 2 of a trade with Lizsama which is LOOOOOONG overdue, featuring her character The Dark One.... *explodes* ... and yes, I say part 1! This usually doesn't happen with trades (actually, this is the first time it's happened ) but this time, an exception was called for after I spent about two weeks or more banging my head against a wall thinking how on earth I was going to portray The Dark One... @___@ I received some very interesting descriptions of him from his creator, and man this guy is eeeeeevvvviiillll.... @___@ I finally decided that maybe it wasn't enough to just make him *look* evil, but *showing* him being evil might come close, hence I turned to the comic format for help... I couldn't fit what I wanted to express in just one A4 page, so this trade is going to be carved in two parts. It's been nearly a year since I drew a comic strip, the last one I drew was 1 metre by 1 metre in size and weighed 15 kg. I'll leave you all to ponder that... XD Anyway, this was a very interesting pic to create for lots of reasons - firstly, The Dark One seemed like such a fascinating character and it was cool drawing an evil character for once, since I don't have any original evil characters. ^.^;; The Dark One is basically Sonic the Hedgehog turned unbelievably evil... if you want to know about his R rated exploits, give Liz a buzz. ;) Secondly, I tried a new style in colouring - all the black areas were shaded with ink (my poor tired pen just got more poor and tired ) and OH MY GOD I actually CG'ED the rest....! O___O I've NEVER coloured a scanned pic entirely on the comp, so this is a landmark... ^_^ Thirdly.... (lame) poetry? What on earth? O__o;; Um, a spur of the moment decision and also a way of carving up the dialogue so that it wouldn't look cluttered.... it's supposed to be recited like a singsong nursery rhyme sort of thing... trust me, it'll make more sense when part 2 arrives. ^.^;;; Lastly, the other character here who is making a cameo is Sonya (I spelt her name right at last!), another one of Liz's characters who I drew for our first trade... (the pic is further down in my archive) looking a lot weaker here, but I decided that was appropriate after what Liz told me about Sonya's encounters with The Dark One... O.O;; Expect more cameos in part 2, although it'll probably be awhile before it arrives... *looks fearfully at her assignments* Well, I hope you enjoy what I've put up so far Liz! ^__^ Man, I'm so late with my trades.... T__T To my tradees, I haven't forgotten any of you! I'll definitely get the pics I owe you done! =P


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 20 Nov 2003

OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *speechless* Soooooo hot!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Guest 29 Oct 2003

LizSama says she Loves you very much! XD

Kate Malcolm 17 Sep 2003

All that black is a pen?!? Oh yes, your very poor pen indeed! It was really worth it though! The image turned out great and the comic formatt in a trade is deffinetly different. I'd have to say that its working in your favour, though. Beautiful piece, as always!

Xixi Hael 25 Aug 2003

An evil masterpiece! I love the comic format because it creates a great composition. I appreciate your long explaining about the characters and your thought process. Can't wait to see the second part