• Terry Harris
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  • Added 29 Dec 2006
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A promise for a friend

On my most recent trip to California, I mentioned to my good friend,I might go up to see the giant redwood trees in Yosemite Park. My friend is an artist that I met, that had seen my work posted on another site. We've gotten to be close over the year. She lives not far from where I used to, both are married to retired military men. She's a cancer survivor and continues to fight reoccurring battles and new health issues. We both have our limits with health now. Still, we share photos, art, worries, as sisters would. I've found a dear friend that has so many of the same feelings that I do. On the day I was going to be able to go to the Park, I was ready to go honor her simple request, "Would you hug tree for me...and make a sign that it's for me?" A simple little request. Well, it had snowed the day before, not more than an inch or two. The decided to park to close the road to drive up to that area of the park off to traffic, for the winter. We found that out when we arrived. What to do? I have trouble hiking usually on uneven ground, inclines, due to hip and spine problems. My husband asked if I wanted to leave. I said, "No, I promised to do it, I'm going to do it, or at least try." So, we hiked up the road the two miles to the grove. The grove goes on for several miles more. I couldn't have made it much further up than we did. Going up was easier than I thought. I managed to get up to one of the trees and my husband got this shot of me. Almost slipped on the hill coming down from the tree, but I made it. Though this tree was not the biggest one, It would take my camera 6 photo shots to make a panoramic domposite to get in the whole tree,from where my husband was standing. That's big enough! I made the trip back down to the car, al down hill sloped now. This turned out to be the hardest part for me. By now my back was hurting, neck was tight, and hip did not like the pressure of the downward slope. My husband could hear me pacing my breathing due to the pain. There was a place to stop, but I told him if I stopped now, I wouldn't make it back up. So on we went. I made it, finally, my husband was ready to go get me help, but I was too embarrassed for that, plus determined I would finish what I started. Les would have killed me for it, but I was on a mission. She's been having a hard time, and I wanted to give her that simple gift. To make her smile, even if for a moment.This is what one you do for a someone you care for. I was proud that I did the walk. I'll do it again, but when there's no slippery batches of snow. Better shoes as well. This is for Les, , my soul buddy, she is worth the effort. She gave me strength to do what I thought I'd never be able to do. Friends do that. They support each other, encourage, and give them strength to try what they think is impossible. I've spent the last 5 years not walking, barely walking, and building up to stand and go back to normal activities. I'm stubborn. Doctors tell me no you can't and will not. I just wait and see. If I had not tried and listened, I would be sitting or laying all day & night, wasted on pain pills. Sitting made my spine worse, due to lack of stretching it and moving it. Walking eased the pain. That and finding doctors that were willing to help me find a way to get better. I function pretty well now, well, if not hiking 4 miles. I'm managing. I'm stubborn, and with support of family, friends, faith, you can do what can not be done. This is for Les, she set off the idea for the photo. This simple gift of friendship turned out to mean so much more for me. It tells me keep trying to push the limits, to ot give up on life, to go and get out there, to live life. I did it, I can do it again, maybe even more!


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 23 Feb 2007

Mom, I love the pic! Ps..your but looks good in those jeans.*smooches*

Artist Reply: LOL! Brat! Keep that up and I'll be painting your butt and posting it! "Smooches back at you!"

Gary Glass 07 Feb 2007

aren't the redwoods great..

Artist Reply: THanks Gary! They are so magical! I saw one that had fallen years ago, on it's side. It had broken into about 3 sections. Still, it lives. There is hollow cavities kids can run in and out, like a cave. They take you breath away when around them. Nature at it's best.

Michael Forbus 02 Jan 2007

The tree hugger pose is wonderful but the most precious part is the narrative. You reveal more about yourself in the sidebar that makes us love you even more. Great marriage of the two. And very touching. Miguel

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Miguel. I'm just a softie at heart, and love when I can do something for someone else. I've always rather gift a gift than recieve one. I will do something for someone else that I would not do at all if left up to me. Motivation to work with children, something I dearly missed, got me to get up and back on my feet. I may be limited in funds, physically, but I try to make for it with heart. Wish more folks would be less centered on self, as it would turn the world around for the better.

Chris Williams 31 Dec 2006

good light

Artist Reply: Thanks Chris! It's tricky to find a tree that has enough light around it as the forest can be pretty shaded. It helped that there was snow on the ground and it was reflecting some light about the trees.

Stanley Layman 30 Dec 2006

The information with the pictures is appreciated! Great effort! Keep fighting, I am!

Artist Reply: Thanks Stanley! Best wishes to you and will sed you my prayers. I know how tough it can get, and how down you can get. I try to focus on what I can do, the wonders of life around me, and that gets me to enjoy living each day. Afterall, I know it could be worse, has been worse. I'm lucky, I'm mobile and have my mind in tact. There is so much in life to enjoy and share. I try to never take it for granted, and that makes it all worth having.

Blue Doll 30 Dec 2006

what a biggggggg treeeeeeeee...... awesome

Artist Reply: Thank you Blue Doll! The tree is not one of the biggest up in the grove. I love seeing the redwood trees, so amazing to be able to see, even go up and touch. SOme are almost 2000 years old. They are almost burn prrof, so survive forest fires. In fact, they only drop their seeds when the brush has been burned away from a fire below them.

Carliss Mora 30 Dec 2006

Terry, what perseverence, and dedication you must have! In my youth, I had it, but after so many beat downs, I lost my verve, and am passionatley trying to regain it! Reading your story, and others similar, always reminds me of what it takes to survive, so I commend you on it, hope your are getting better with each new hurdle conquered, and you most definitely have my admiration! This photo? Why, it is great with beauty, symbolism, and your desire to bring us this excellent scope of photographic artistry! Love, and health to you and your friend throughout the coming year, and the following ones too!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much Carliss! Blessings to you and yours as well. It was a symbolic photo for me. So many things I was not expected to ever do again, yet I keep doing them. One needs to at least try. I am bless for all that I have and do. I'm breathing and thinking, and enjoying life. Pain can wait, and get managed if I need to deal with it. Sometimes I lose myself into doing something untime the pain gets so great. I do have some limits, but will gives me strength to keep going. I had medication to dull the pain available, but that dulls the brain. I have to try to live and not seek the easiest way out. I had a few doctors that tried to have me do that. I truly would have been still off my feet if I had listened to them.

William Boyer 30 Dec 2006

Great photo, Happy New Year

Artist Reply: Thanks William. The largest one I've seen of the redwoods so far took 40 people to hold hands and cirlce. I still haven't gotten up to the biggest ones yet. I've ridden through a hollow of one that straddled a road in a van. (That one fel over a dozen years ago.) Many of these trees will fall and still keep alive laying on the ground. They are amazing trees!

Joke Schotting 30 Dec 2006

Beautiful photograph Terry and an great gift for Les!!Happy Newyear!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Joke so much! It's such a magical place to visit. Yosemite has so many beautiful places from the waterfalls, wildlife, to the Redwood trees. My husband grew up not far from the park, and worked there as a teen doing conservation. He knows many wonderful places that tourist miss out. I could take photos there everyday and never get enough of the place. This tree is about 1700 years old. WOW!

thea walstra 29 Dec 2006

What a very sweet gesture / gift this is for Les Terry. You are a wonderful friend. She must love you for the great friend you are for her. Beautiful photographs too.

Artist Reply: Thank you Thea! One of life's treasures is to reach out to someone, and share life with them. Friendship is a treasure. I love that times like these will get you to do something you would easily have told yourself to give up on trying. I would have been happy even if I hadn't made it, and only gotten part way. Each step was one to clelbrate that I could make that step. Only a few years ago, each step would have been as painful to me as the last ones were on this hike. That made this even more reason to celebrate.I might go slower than some, not as far as many, but I do savor the trip and the joy that I got there.

Tom and Susan Repasky 29 Dec 2006

Be careful out there Terry! I am happy to hear that you enjoyed yourself! This is an awesome capture!! Take care!!! ~S

Artist Reply: LOL! Thanks Tom and Susan! I'm slow, but careful. It was a fun adventure for me. That's about as wild as I get! Well, except when I go caving. Caving notso crazy now as I can't crawl and climb. I cave in ones that I can walk in, so nothing more than a mild hike now. My wilder adventures usually in my life are those when working with children, or visiting withfamily. LOL! This type adventure is one that are ones to treasure.