• Christina Langman
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  • Added 20 Oct 2006
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Eye of the Tiger Cub

"Eye of the Tiger Cub" is a clayboard piece that is 5" x 5", and it took approximately 6 hours to complete. This technique involves scratching and painting, in multiple layers, to achieve the hair-like result. The original will be for sale at the RFA Fall Show in Regina, SK, and if it doesn't sell, it will be available for sale on my website at BigCatArt.com.

The reference photo for this painting was taken by the artist at the "Guzoo" in Three Hills, AB. This tiger cub was only about 10 weeks old! He was a wonderful subject.

Thanks to everyone who views and comments, the feedback is much appreciated!

Image and all rights copyright Christina Langman - BigCatArt.com.

5 of 32 Comments Show All 32 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Robert McCoy 13 Mar 2017

Christina come back we want more!

Julie Brown 16 Jan 2007

Your scratch work is phenomenal, but it's your handling of the paint layers that really sets this work apart. Great work!

edem jimbo 09 Nov 2006

wow,thats all I have to say wow..........................

Randy Kroll 02 Nov 2006

Outstanding work Christina! You've done it again!

Sondra Ertzberger 25 Oct 2006

STUNNING work!!!