• Mirasaui
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  • Image 22 of 31
  • Added 20 Oct 2006
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Illustration for a fan-fic story, "Warrior". Daz3d and PhotoShop.

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

cathy sharpe 17 Mar 2007

Brilliant piece of work, great detail, colours and the light is perfect..

Artist Reply: Thank you so much, Cathy!!

Raquel Lovelace 15 Feb 2007

This is very beautiful-i use DAZ also, may I ask what site you get your items from? I am really egar to find out.

Artist Reply: Thank you, Raquel! I sent an email per your request for sites. Mira

Tony Orzech 08 Feb 2007

You have good concepts. Your attention to expressions, costume design and character interaction give your characters their 'life'. One weak area you may want to look at closer is the inaccurate (and sometimes absent) use of shadows that the figures should cast on the environment you are putting them in. It makes your characters look pasted on a scene and not fully part of it. Your attention to detail and lighting with your 3D models is developing beautifully and your 2D background environments work well with the characters, you just need to pull the two worlds together a little better. Remember, an object effects it's environment and the environment effects objects in it. You are doing excellent work, Mira and I look forward to seeing more.

Artist Reply: Hi tony, Thank you for the concrit! Yes, light and shading are very frustrating for me, especially when combining 3d and 2d. Hopefully practice, while it won't make perfect, will at least leave room for improvement! Truly, I appreciate the comment - that's what this site is all about - eh? From Mira

Ralph Miller 16 Jan 2007

Fantastic Image!

Artist Reply: Wow...thank you so much!

Angelina 13 Jan 2007

so lovely *******

Artist Reply: Thank you so much for looking and for your kind words! Mira