• Carliss Mora
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  • Image 307 of 463
  • Added 18 Oct 2006
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This is Vladi Lican. He's stalked, captured, and prepared his own dinner. Some kind of meat. Since he is part werewolf, and vampire, he has much to learn about himself, as does his mom and dad. AW Artists, hope when the time comes you will have a happy Halloween, and I knew I would be able to use this messed up pic, some day!

5 of 21 Comments Show All 21 Comments

Anonymous Guest

cramer 03 Oct 2010

wow, just wow

Artist Reply: Here I am, thanking you! I have not been very attentive here, for a while. Sorry, for that

Janet Gioffre Harrington 31 Oct 2007

Now I'm gonna have NIGHTMARES!!! That meat looks raw...I think it's human fesh...OH!!! I'M ASCARED!!!! Great work and explanation, C!

Artist Reply: J??? You found Vladi?? Oh, I think he may have been looking for you!! But, now you know, so you can get away!! Thanks, my J!!!!

John Davis 12 Jun 2007

my kids were looking over my shoulder and now they won't go to bed, great job coming up with this

Artist Reply: Oh, those kids! Sometimes they get too curious, huh?! Tell them I appreciate the pic being scary, but not enough to keep them from sleeping! Thanks, John! I hope the "too frightened to sleepness'" isn't too serious! :-))

Sharon Randall 27 May 2007

Cool character....Scary, but cool....I like him....

Artist Reply: Ha, ha! Sharon, thank you! After made him look like this, I thought he was scary too!! :-D!

chuck vest 17 May 2007

Look at this...you evil little SP you. I should pay more attention huh? This is cool.

Artist Reply: Yes, you should pay more attention. In more than one way, too! Lol! he he hehe! Can you hear that evil little SP laugh?