• Hector Rios - Arternatives
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  • Added 03 Oct 2006
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EVOLUTION? if an ape had a man's mind...

This airbrushed painting was done in waterbased acrylics. The lightning bolt blends are simple fades of hot pink, purples, hazed electric blues and a centered sharp white with organic fades, this gives it it's optical light illusion. The facial gorilla features were the accented in reflected hues as well as a superficial secondary turquoise light source to match the background.------------------------------------ "Charles Darwin, in the sixth edition of his infamous writings clearly wrote; "Natural selection is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of useful structures..." (28). Inferior oddities are automatically weeded out by natural selection." In my art studio I have multiple collections of the most dynamic and incredibly naturally painted insects, I have fossils, furs, rocks and gemstones, hues and color charts of the rainbow, books on flower types, birds, fishforms, photos of various international friends I love, etc... "In canines alone, there are over 200 modern breeds of dogs today... does this mean that one type of dog ancestry evolved or mutated (mutts) into another? How does an artist or scientist compare a Chihuahua and a Saint Bernard, did they evolve? The hybridization genetic process involved will never produce an equestrian barker... short or tall! (Greyhounds are still dogs), or a feline meowing Fido. 1 Corinthians 15:38 & 39 says: "God gives it a body as it pleased Him, and to every seed his own body. All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds." This means Pelicans & Parakeets, Pangolins & Platypus' all have their own designated species, characteristics and place. "Primates" and "Persons" definately do also, and always have since the beginning. Mankind has been gifted with brilliance and brokeness, intuition and insight that is not shared by similar animal types. The fragmented chimpanzee "Lucy" bones found in 1974 Ethiopia by Donald Johanson had parts (like the upright knee joint which was found a mile and a half away and in rock strata 200 feet deeper) which were included simply because of "anatomical similarities". When one does a closer study of the 1920 Nebraska man and it's two year later tooth, the 1912 Piltdown fraud Man, 1887 Java Man (puzzle), 1470 Homo Habilis from Kenya, Australopithecus, Ramapithecus, etc. you will find so many inconclusive holes and misconstrued connections it is practically comical." KBRI chronologists. (for more information on this topic visit www.creationresouce.org or CRI) This painting is on display in Central Los Angeles and is owned by Officer Gary Hernandez along with it's chronicle. H Rios (213) 435-9611

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