• Vishal Kumar
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  • Image 18 of 37
  • Added 30 Sep 2006
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suicide point

we all have one or the other reason to die...to suicide. some do it....some think about it.....and some are afraid of it. somebody most probably will make a grafx like this before commiting suicide.....like i did. nowdays i'm having this feeling of suicide....y shud'nt i die. reason being the love. in india more thn 50% of love relation are a failure because of fucked up reasons like caste, status, orhotdox parents. i shud better leave this country and settle down in portugal or i shud die. well the decision is still upto me.


Anonymous Guest

Johnny Hendren 01 Oct 2006

Beautiful work. I love the high contrast with the subtle floral background.

Christine brand 30 Sep 2006

HANG ON MAN...DON'T LET GO ...YOU ARE LOVE...AND YOU ARE AN ARTIST AND THAT IS BEAUTIFUL...WE ALL NEED LOVE BUT FIRST TO VALUE YOUR WONDERFUL HEART IS A GREAT WAY TO THINK. I GET SO SAD TOO OVER MANY THINGS BUT THEN I TRY TO THINK OF SOMETHING WORTH HANGIN ON FOR EVEN IF ONLY FOR ONE SECOND AT A TIME...it can be a constant battle...but you are a light and can be a help to many others with your art. Everybody cries and every body has the hard times some more than others and some almost unbearable...I know about the sadnes well, but there is more to life than what you can see and more to life than this life...places we know not of after our spirit has left our bodies...I do believe what you do will come back again around some way somehow sometime whether here or the next demension...karma a law of the universe...All I can say is my life never has really been the way I wanted it...or my loves, but I still am here because I know the spirit lives beyond this world...I think it will be a better place we enter into ater this if we make the choice for love ...going the hard way leaves the hard way...take care. This is a brave heart you have to express yourself...you are stronger than you realize. Love to you friend...Sincerly CB Fantastic ART!

Emily Reed 30 Sep 2006

Splendid! Spectacular!