Tracey, what an awesome "baby" you have!!!! The AKC doesn't know what they are missing with the white boxers!!! You'll never get this kind of expression from any other breed- it's like you can read what they are thinking from their faces!! Great shot!!!
Artist Reply: You are so right.. they are definately expressive.
thanks for visiting.
5 of 17 Comments Show All 17 Comments
Kathryn Arruda 27 Oct 2006
Oh my! What a sweet expression, a great capture!DeShawn Robinson 31 Jul 2006
I love this ..ive owned boxers and raised pups many years! Truly wonderful loyal and expressive pets! ...Great mug shot Tracey!!Nealie Mondi 17 Jul 2006
Tracey, what an awesome "baby" you have!!!! The AKC doesn't know what they are missing with the white boxers!!! You'll never get this kind of expression from any other breed- it's like you can read what they are thinking from their faces!! Great shot!!!jO ANNA jARVIS 08 Jul 2006
What a Face...excelklent shot!Ginger Lovellette 07 Jul 2006
Fantastic shot!