• gregg dutcher
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  • Added 28 Jun 2006
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Pyramid Of Cars

(c)2006 A human pyramid represents fun and a possible victory, the Egyptian pyramids were a colossal achievement and are considered one of the eigth wanders of the world. But when we see a pyramid of cars, it ususally represents decay, rust, abandonment, end of usefulness and we see them at wrecking yards. Why this is I do not know,...but it is sad! And it shows me that not all,...in fact very few,...cars or trucks escape the wrecking yard. My truck was fire-bombed over the weekend by individuals who do not like me for some reason I don't understand. I often speak my mind here on AW and in public where I go with my friends. If for that reason they destroyed my truck to shut me up,...they don't know me very well! "Vengeance is Mine saith the Lord" was one of the first promises I learned and have seen God's Power every time. I feel sorry for them because they are going to get it good! So,...my truck might join the wrecking yard too. Don't know yet. I'll keep you informed. God Bless all the wonderful people who support me with kind comments and are uplifting to many others as well,...thank you! :O)

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Jay Amatangelo 05 Jul 2006

I think of the same thing when I drive by a junk yard. Think about all the cars in the yard were once a new car someone was showing off.

Joseph Moran 02 Jul 2006

Great work, Gregg - sorry to hear you're going through a rough experience - keep a good outlook, you will prevail.

Mayme Crouse 02 Jul 2006

Oh no Gregg........it's one thing to make it to the car prymiad because of old age but a totally different reason to go there because some hoodlums put you there......I am sorry for your loss........and I feel for you too since my 63 Ford Falcon Futura Comfortable, her name is Flo, that I sold last weekend for far less than market value because she had some wear is probably destined for the same pryamid after they strip her of her valuable assets................but she has had a good life....... I love your piece and the little peek holes in the fence say it all for the cars behind the fence.

Steve Farr 01 Jul 2006

This is so cool,Gregg! Luv your style, man!!!

Tabitha Borges 01 Jul 2006

This very creative...love it..