• Elton Houck
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NO HOPE==Cast into the outer darkness for eternity

(c) 2002 Elton Houck...

the ART BOOK:-- " NO HOPE---Cast into the outer darkness for eternity.

Eternity is your future. You shall spend it somewhere. You are not just a mix of protoplasm and tissue in a random uncaring universe without will or purpose...It is obvious that this world did not erect itself...It was designed and created by a devine being! -That being is identified in scripture in the Bible as the WORD..The Word is JESUS. HE has established our eternal existence by creating man in the image of GOD..We have a spirit, a body and a soul..We do not just spend a few days in our earthly pilgrimage and then die and cease to exist. Our God and Saviour created us to share his universe with Him forever--Jesus proclaimed that HEAVEN and HELL are the final destinations.

Hell was not created for man but for the Devil and his fallen angels that rebelled again our Lord God.

Man also rebelled and this rebellion is called sin. Sin must be punished by a Righteous and Holy God...GOD cannot wink at our sins and tresspasses..His Righteousness and Holiness require He do justly in all His actions...The sinner--(the criminal) must be punished for his crime and God said the penalty for sin is Death...There can be no remission of sin without a blood covering. Jesus paid the penalty for man's sins by offering Himself as the sin sacrafice, and suffering the agony of the cross as a one-time complete atonement for all sins for all of time, thus allowing us to be welcomed into a glorious eternal home known as heaven... If we refuse to accept the free gift of eteral life (which Jesus obtained for us by His suffering on the cross, and his resurrection from Death); this rebuff of God's gift of love has eternal consequences. Our hard hearts (that will not acknowledge and accept God's provision for us to spend eternity with him) will seal our eternal destiny. Jesus paid our sin debt, but if we reject Him and refuse to surrender our hearts in obediaence and love to our Creator, then we have refused God's pardon, and thus our sins remain--and we have chosen to be cast into the outer darrkness for all eternity.

If we refuse so great a sacrafice we are LOST FOR ETERNITY.We are cast out from Heaven into a place of darknes and eternal suffering--and forever away from the glorious face of our wonderful saviour..

You say you do not believe in Heaven or Hell..that does not matter for they exist whether you belive or not...Please do not let your cosmopolitan arrogance seal your fate ( I can speak from experience for I was lost and also bound to that place until God in His infinite mercy melted my stony heart and brought me to my kneees where I repented and acccepted the most wonderful gift in all of creation--a Savior that would never turn his back on me, never forsake me, and never leave me alone to face the world on my own)....

I want to see you, my friends in heaven...God loves you and He does not wish for any to be lost...Pray the sinners prayer and you will be tranformed from DEATH TO LIFE and your name written in Jesus' Book of LIfe, and your eternal home with the Lord is settled.

TheART BOOK.. is a hard covered spiral bound chapbook of 43 original individual paintings and drawings each measuring 4.5" X 7" on black acid free paper.

The works in this chapbook were completed in 2002, and the ART BOOK was sold to a collector in that self-same year..The work was concluded in gel pens and colored pencils..

If your heart cries out to get the gospel to the persecuted while there is time,,,THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS has a subsidary mission wing for distrubiting Bibles to eager seekers in China...If you would like to be a part of this great latter day Harvest, here is the URL : https://www.biblesunbound.com/qrs/mc_logon.taf

5 of 6 Comments Show All 6 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Armando Salas 16 Jun 2006

Great series, Elton

Carrie Ann Watson 14 Jun 2006

Interesting piece, really alot to think on!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 14 Jun 2006

Excellent series, Elton!

Loredana 14 Jun 2006

Very nice Elton love these Abstracts :)

thea walstra 13 Jun 2006

Your style is really great Elton. Love it a lot