• Terry Harris
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  • Added 11 Jun 2006
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Bowl of peppers kalidiscope 6

This is another one of my Pepper Mania works. I manipulated this photo inorder to create a kalidiscope of bowls of sweet peppers. I only used the kalidiscope manipulations, and did no other manipulations on it. I used Corel software in order to create it. I have a love of peppers, even though I can not eat but the sweet and very mild ones myslef. Perhaps, it's because the hotter ones are like forbidden fruits to me. Sometimes I wonder if Eve offered Adam a hot pepper instead of a fruit, and his mouth had been set on fire, if God would have laughed and forgaven them both. Sorry, my mind has always popped out odd ideas as such!Some of the peppers are as hot as Hell, so I've heard. I'm too chicken & smart to try them!!! Not on a list of foods to eat if you also have had an ulcer, so not likely to be tempted even on a dare. Pineapple juice is too strong for me most time! LOL!

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donald laube 07 Jul 2008

Yummy spaghetti time great work Terry.

Artist Reply: Thank you Donald! I will be growing peppers of all sorts of color, but not eating the hot ones. I like them mild and sweet mysef.

Gavin North 12 Apr 2008

I had a kilidiscope as a kid they are truly magical, Though I must say peppers really don't sit well with me when I eat them LOL, excellent work

Artist Reply: Thanks Gavin! Kalidiscopes put me into a magical place of joy, so I can't resist them. They first made me begin to think of creating designs and to experiment with shapes and colors as a child. I used to play with a few kalidiscopes as a kid for hours slowly changing them. I've a few of them still in the house and may get around to making some of my own.I've packed up a book on Kalidiscopes that I bought last year. It shows the history of them and a large variety of home made ones that various artists have created. There is a society of kalidiscope lovers and makers I didn't know about. I love the colors and smooth look of peppers, they reflect light well, make great subjects for art. I love the sweet peppers, but not into burning my mouth. They have lots of nutrients and health benefits, so I try to use them when I can. The artist in me almost hates to eat them until I take some photos for my stock files. LOL!

bianca thomas 11 Jun 2006

OUTSTANDING job...and thank u for sharing explanation....

Artist Reply: Thanks Bianca! This one is a fun subject to do. I'll have to work with more foods. I think I should do chocolate, I'll have to reframe from eating it until I'm done taking photos for designs and srefference work. Definetely, tomorrow, must get chocolate!!! LOL!

tazda lawson 11 Jun 2006

Now thats one hot piece of work ....hahahahah...Ok that was really lame, but still its a great image.

Artist Reply: LOL! Lame is always funny, so glad you think it's hot!

Deborah Martin 11 Jun 2006

Wow!!! they look so cute Terry!!!!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thanks Deborah! I turned one bowl into a feast. LOL!