• ameigh haley
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  • Image 9 of 13
  • Added 07 May 2003
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Fancy a game of Tennis? (Catherine & Mutai 4 Bubba

Okay, I've done the first one Bubba. I just hope to the Lord you like it cause if you don't I will mend it faster than you can sneeze just don't get upset okay ^__^. Can you tell who is who anyway? *weeps* Don't for a moment think I am not greatful for the wonderful pictures you drew me cause I am. *clasps hands together in supplication* where ever you see it first please love it.


Anonymous Guest

Rebecca Tan 25 Jun 2006

I really like the background. Nice!

Mariah Julson 23 Nov 2005

it is sweet

marla deepali 07 Jun 2004

oh my F-ING godd! i knew it! side7 cousin! i thought your style looked familiar, and then i saw this picture! wassup girl?!

Andrew Burford 20 Oct 2003


ameigh haley 19 Oct 2003

thanks you guys

Bubba Merritt 19 May 2003

FINALLY I get to comment on this... :) The site has problems, then I go to my cousin's for a week and.... Bleah :P I LOVE this pic!! *^__^* What is there to get upset about? This is GREAT!!!! :D There's even a background!! That's something I'm still not very good at.... Yes I can tell who this is, very easily, tho I've never thought of drawing Cathrene's hair like, she looks so pretty ^_^ Mutai looks all grown up, looks like a glimpse into the future, heee... And here you are acting like you haven't got any artistic skills. Looks to me like you'll be famous someday soon... Keep it up, I can't wait to see the next picture!!! ^__^

Cindy Zhou 16 May 2003

It's a nice piece ^_^. I like the colors and their eyes ^_^