• Steve Keith
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  • Added 13 May 2006
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The Transformation of Guinevere

Oh Guinevere, queen of the ancient isles, wife of Arthur, heroin of England. You and Arthur brought together your people from Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England, and put an end to strife, if only for awhile. Your rule was just, wise and won by conquest and sacrifice. You helped to found the Templar Knights. You shook the world to its very corners. Kings trembled under your gaze. Rome itself retreated before you. DaVinci wrote about you. You and Arthur were buried under the Tor in Glastonbury where you had once played as a child. As you made your final transformation and met Arthur once again, your struggles were replaced with eternal beauty and peace, the wars finally left behind. When I painted this I put in a ghostly looking church in the background. I later found out that monks supposedly found their remains under the Tor in the 11th century and that it is now called the final resting place of Arthur and Guinevere. It looks almost exactly like the Tor that I painted although I had no idea at the time what i was painting!

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Anonymous Guest

Kevin Lambeth 12 Feb 2020

Love your portrayal of this Arthurian legend, beautiful colours and depiction. The Lion? Could also be a depiction from the Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe. Anyway love your work, Steve.

Dennis Malcolm 01 Sep 2007

good job.

Elton Houck 02 Jul 2006

super work Keith!

K L Marsala 26 May 2006

a magical tale brought only to truth by your style steve. i am so glad you are still out there my special friend. this is a magnifent work of art.

gregg dutcher 17 May 2006

Always loved the story of Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. But when I discovered they were true historical characters and in the geneology of Queen Elizabeth 2,...along with Joseph of Aramathea(Jesus uncle on Mary's side), King David of Israel and believe it or not all the way back to "the" Adam and Eve of the "eigth day". In fact, Artisan books sells an actual and accurate geneological record of Queen Elizabeth 2 which will show all this.--great piece of artwork by the way--