• Christiane Doré
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  • Added 09 Apr 2006
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James Brown

Here is a portrait Idid to participate to the Festivak Visual Soul dedicated to James Brown for his 50th anniversary of carreer in Augusta,GA. I took it like an exercise. Another painting "Men, be Thankful" inspired by his song "It's a Man, Man, Man's World" and the man he is, is actually on the easel. I will post it as soon as I will finished it.

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Anonymous Guest

John Enright 10 Apr 2006

love it.

Pat Merewether 09 Apr 2006

amazing - you've captured his essence - terrifit! I'd scream like JB, but dont want to freak out my dogs!

Vera Harned 09 Apr 2006

Super work! Christiane

Emily Reed 09 Apr 2006

Portraiture at its best!

mark jorgenson 09 Apr 2006

well done!