• Sara Patterson
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  • Image 23 of 27
  • Added 07 Apr 2003
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Lil' Green

I own a ferret who commonly lays like this. I was curious as to what he may look like as a little green dragon


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Katz Blechl 07 Nov 2004

Well I like this one alot... if ya read the description *clears throat* it is sleeping in a way like her ferret. Nicely done.

Anthony Klein 04 Jun 2004

"He's not dead - he sleeping"..."This dargon is bloody dead! It no longer is, it ceases to be be! You nailed him to his perch!" K, he actually looks like he's trying to scratch the spot on his head he can't reach. :)

25 Feb 2004

*sniff* WAH!!! Poor dragon... WAH!!

Suraj Lochan 13 Nov 2003

*pokes wif a stick* is it dead? :P that position musta been hard to compose on paper. its hard to tale how hes actually laying ya kno, like where his weight is resting. otherwise this is a really well done pic, tho

Anonymous Guest 03 Jun 2003

*dies* YOU ARE SO TALENTED!!!!!!!! The poor thing! You did such an accurate shot of a dragon having fallen to its death from the sky - or...or, it could be a beetsy dragon making snowmen in the sandy beach. Actually, knowing you...I'm inclined to...agh! I don't know! You do angst and light tones so naturally...either one would fit. The ocean in the background is beautiful. One of your fortes is background, my friend. They are so powerful. So complete. And they provide an atmosphere that totally compliments the characters in the shot. How cool is it that I know you?? Bucky