• Elton Houck
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  • Added 25 Jan 2006
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(c) 2006 Elton Houck...Computer aided art via "Paintbrush." ----------------This series is entitled CHILDHOOD NIGHT VISITORS ...Its all about those "Monsters" hiding in the shadows in our bedroom, or under our bed...and always in our closets! You say, "This is silly, I am a grown adult and that is superstious nonsense . Monsters are only a child's fearful nightmares... Well yes, sure I was afraid of them when I was young and easily fell under the seay of tales of terror and sinister creatures from some Ungodly realm..." -----And I agree, you are corect, those fanciful yarns of thousand-eyed-devils and raoring beasts hiding in the dark of our room, is a childhood fantasy....But have you every gone home to visit (during your adulthood) and your mom and dad put you up in your childhood room...Did you not hear those beasts thrashing about in the dark again...Yes, admit it, they were there just as when you were a wide-eyed frightened child. They were waiting for you to come back home...And even today, do you not ocassionally wake with a strart and quickly turn on the lights as you hear a rustle or a faint growl under the bed or from the closet....The phantom beasts are still there....youj know it and I know it...We are just afraid to admitt that we are all, even now--- only children shaking in the dark!!!

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stephanie atlee 25 Jan 2006

Like aliens ready to abduct...nice work

Homayra Amirzada 25 Jan 2006

these monsters look like they are having a party lol.. gret work and color and design:-)

K L Marsala 25 Jan 2006

that explains those things that go BUMP in the night!

Alberto D'Assumpcao 25 Jan 2006

Very nice concept, Elton! And good text too!

charles hooper 25 Jan 2006

And Going.................Excellent idea and a Great job Elton!!