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  • Added 23 Jan 2006
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THE THRILLING BRIEF HISTORY OF UMBANDA, SPIRITUAL CURRENT BORNED IN BRAZIL AND THAT HAS ITS ORIGINS IN THE FOLLOWING ORDER: First: African or basic - result of the sedimentaion of Arab, Egyptian contributions, semitics, etc., forming the basic cults of the nations that supplied us slaves (a cult line more returned to the African origins, as the cult to the orixás and its incorporation; use of the ritual court; of the making; of atabaques (bass; conga drum); drunk; guides - necklaces; stories sung with a Portuguese mixture and Yorubá (african nation) and or Quimbundo (african nation); use of herbs for bathings, to smoke-dry, cures...). Second: Indigenes - the blacks that went into in the forests, mainly the one of origin banto identify with what there was of fellow creature in the natives' cults. Third: European or Catholic - the blacks and Indian, unable to assimilate in toctuma the catholic religion that was they imposed by the priests, they made it imperfect or partially in what there was of correspondence with its traditional divinities (afro-catholic syncretism in the association of African Orixás to the saints of the church. We see that the afro-catholic syncretism allowed the introduction of the morals words and faith left by Jesus Cristo - sincretized as God willing. We can also observe that marry syncretics they use our Father, Ave Maria, the Credo, use of the CROSS as fork symbol and connection between the material world and the spiritual). Fourth: spitualist - after the slaves' liberation we see the integration of its cult to the learned spiritualist that spread among the Brazilian elites since 1873 (we can see that marry with that it influences they don't use the syncretism, images, the cult to Orixás, they don't use drunk or fumes, don't use atabaques (bass; bong drum )and many don't work with Exus (spiritual entities that protect people in the material goods) . Per times we see the works accomplished in those ramifications by means of a table where the entities go down to give its orientation and work. Very similar or as if it was one it copies of the works traditional spiritualists). Fifth: Oriental - introduction of concepts and identification with the East in the search of an older tradition. As a way for to ligitimate and to consecrate the religion for one forms association and similar rites, but with divergent culturals hallmarks- ades (adendo etiene sales - trance in the mediate conscience of others in Umbanda)). Sixth: Occult and Occultism - first half of the séc. XX authors umbandistas ( people who believe in Umbanda) mixes the traditional forms of African magic with you practice in the theosophic esoterism begun with Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891) more known as Madame Blavatsky, one of the co-founders of the Theosophic Society in New York in 1875. The occult of Blavatsky theosophic tradition will drink to several philosophical and religious traditions: Zoroastrismo, Hinduism, Gnosticism, Manichaeism, the Cabal, among other - ades). Give it begins, then being formed a new cult, that goes away of the candomblés of Bahia. Artur Ramos called this new jeje-nago-mussulmi(african nations) product-banto (ethnic groups in Africa) - caboclo (indigene)-spiritualist - Catholic " and where each one contributed with a part. For its time Edson Carneiro it asserts that " in any other area the cults of African origin came in such early nationalization apprenticeship. Changing it for the nationalization, not yet finished, it passed, first, Of her great stage of translation of the faiths jeje-nago in terms angolenses (nation that prevailed in the area of Rio and São Paulo) and, in second, for the stages of the ocultism and, spiritism, structures entrust thought in that leaned on the new religion in the years of intolerance ". The new religion that was derived of this process syncretic obtained you various denominations. In Angola, gave him the name of Mbanda to the priest, and to the invocer of spirits, Ki-Mbanda. This way, in I begin, Umbanda wanted priest to say; then, for extension, it started to designate " local of cult ", and, finally, for us, Brazilian, the religion. In 1894, through Hely Chanterlain's word we found the registration of the terms with its meaning and derivation - ades. Leaving gives, the macumba-mixed of Rio de Janeiro, product syncretic of you practice spiritualists, cult of the orixás and European magic, it went to the few tending for the denomination of Umbanda. For Edson Carneiro a basic difference exists between Umbanda and the Macumba, and both survive side by side. " The brotherhoods, calls she begins macumbas, they understood the magic language of the drums and the possession of the divinity in agreement with the original model - and that one saw you expel of the urban perimeter carioca; the successors, or those that adapted the new demands policemen, started to call her Umbanda, suppressing the drums and moderating the possession ". ------------------- Designed and painted in Adobe Photo Shop

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John Cappello 15 Oct 2010

Such is the greatness of your work,that you make the viewer a participant present in the beautiful and exhilarating setting,Like a jewels magic glow of this haunting work. Beauty and Power create a most hypnotic state, which clearly overwhelms as poetry! A new perspective focused on life and the pursuit of happiness

luci reader 17 Jan 2008

simply fascinating!

Paul Traudt 03 Oct 2007

energy, power and peace all in one

carlos martins 15 Sep 2007

gosto deste trabalho...simples mas sem palavras

Bruce Black 05 Jan 2007

The Simplicity and complexity of this work is amazing.