• Eri Ryuushinka
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  • Image 24 of 36
  • Added 12 Dec 2005
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beat a path

(If I ever come up with a better title... - -U) I sketched this up while I was bored last weekend... this is a trace from the lined paper, but it's the four mainest characters from Shinkan no Ryuu... Tatsuya, Shintama, Furui, and Irian... hope you like... ^^

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Ashley Slice 24 Dec 2005

You know, it's rather hard to smudge with a plain pencil. Have you tried softer leads? (is that spelled right O_o) I usually use a 3B or 4B - it makes it easier to smudge with a finger when nothing else is around. ^_^ Just a post in response to the newest pic since I can't reply again -_-

Akio Kaminari 13 Dec 2005

I dont want to seem mean this is just constructive. Irians arm is screwed. See, i tried doing this in class and it didn't work too well and you see, i'm very limber. Anyway, i agree with the smudging taking away lines because that helps. You like hands but you need to do more with them. Because honestly my friend, do you walk around with your hands open all day every day? they do lots of different things, thats not a *bad* thing but i mean...its just to help -you- with your art. So: Smudge, and use differen't hand positions. And you can't see Irian and i know she's a girl but she has long hair and some of your guys have long hair so i'd flip her around and make her look at the shot so you could see her more and know for a fact its a girl. ^_^ peace out

Rose Buchholz 12 Dec 2005

Good use of contrasting shading. I can see you are doing some slight shading and filling, and some cool smudge tools around the house are paper towels, Q-tips, tissues, and the good ol finger...but fingers leave oils which can make reworking harder. :) Smudging would take out some of this colorling lines like in his pants ;)

Analua 12 Dec 2005

Great style work Eri!!!!

Leah Jaarveth 12 Dec 2005

Great pencil work!