• sylvia Madajewski
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  • Added 03 Nov 2005
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life imating art

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 09 Apr 2012

about your work, including theeacrs or mentors. It is an honest, naked, look at your process, by YOU, to see if there is any room for improvement or continued exploration.Now, the hard part begins. If in the self evaluation you discover, that for you, true satisfaction comes from merely making the work, with no one EVER seeing it, then you can stop reading this article. But, if you are like most artists, this exercise will help you to determine the level of commitment you have to showing your work, in relation to the readiness of your work. For example, if in your self evaluation your find that your fantasies include gallery or museum shows, or people appreciating your work in any public context, the need to share your work is an important element in your ultimate satisfaction. If you also feel this work is the best quality work you are capable of making, then you have an OBLIGATION to the work to deal with each and every one of the things you have listed in Step 2. For the work to become art, it must be experienced by others and you must assume the responsibility of making that happen, at whatever cost to you or your ego. (For suggestions on how to make consistent efforts to market your work, read Okay I Think I’m Ready To Be A Professional Artist Checklist). The most important thing to remember, is whatever reaction people have to your work is irrelevant. But, it is that necessary reaction that breathes life into your art and completes the process of your original intention, making art!”MY COMMENTS: This article Art is a Verb not a Noun was very interesting to me personally because it equates the notion of art with the interactive process of art and the viewer… she define art as the “activity that occurs in the space that exists between my eyes and that object you have created. It is the interaction between the collective experiences in my brain, as I process the way you have chosen to express the collective experiences in your brain. It is only when this exchange takes place, that your work becomes art.”I appreciate this as much of the art I am currently working on isn’t in a traditional medium that one would consider art to be executed in. the interactional and experimental realm of my work is actually what makes it art… viewing the object… exploring it visually and then discerning its meaning via individuals experiences (the person’s life story) with the tidbit of insight to my motives as an artist provided by the title.The author goes onto say how whatever the publics perception of your work is doesn’t really matter as in viewing the work they have engaged in the process of making your work art and making art is our fundamental purpose if we are calling ourselves artists.