• gi kun
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  • Image 4 of 6
  • Added 06 Sep 2005
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a knife and a gun

um..these one is kinda YAoi,but,nyahhh~!what ever^^ btw,i'm a little bit feel unhappy whit the shadow result. wish i had more time to fixed them upT-T


Anonymous Guest

Patrick Boyle 14 Dec 2006

awesome picture so full of life wonderful work

Angela Francis 29 Dec 2005

I agree with Heather, the shadows don't really detract from the image at all. This is excellent! I think I'll have to drool at the pretty boys too!

Heather Dennis 07 Sep 2005

I officially love you now XD. Very nice picture. I like the very painterly style you gave the folds in their clothing. I understand what you mean about being a bit unhappy about where your shadows fall on the wall. Some seem to go where they don't need to. However, this doesn't detract from the picture at all. I assure you that most people that look at this will not even notice them ( I honestly didn't until I read the description and started looking for it). *drools at the pretty boys* @.@