• Konstantina Daskalaki
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  • Image 93 of 132
  • Added 03 Sep 2005
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Sintra city-landscape

5 of 13 Comments Show All 13 Comments

Anonymous Guest

AL 18 Oct 2005

Great style

c c 02 Oct 2005

I adore your style, great, great work, the 'unseen' beautifully conveyed! I feel like a 6 years old browsing through a fairy tales book looking at your paintings

jeff blascyk 11 Sep 2005

This is truly fantastic work. Your use of colors really are used brilliantly with your quirky yet charming style that just screams to be looked at. I love the detail with just a hint of the abstract. Awesome job. I really love the kinda of stuff that has this kind of style and personality to it.

Rob Slijkhuis 07 Sep 2005

Great use of oils

Al Price 04 Sep 2005

This is so fun. Very beautiful Konstantina