• Hisham Zrake (Zreiq)
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 44 of 92
  • Added 12 Aug 2005
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Anonymous Guest

tim linville 13 Oct 2005

That pencil's up to something:)

francis kwok peng kin 01 Sep 2005

A very magical and surrealistic work!

Dawn Sharpe 21 Aug 2005

This is a great piece, very well thought out.

Renata Cavanaugh 18 Aug 2005

Interesting and impressive work!

geri pratt 16 Aug 2005

Cool composition! Intensely emotional. Like a wounded psyche exposed. Very revealing.

Tiziano Cremonini 16 Aug 2005

Very nice concept! Great work!

Paula C. L. Santos 15 Aug 2005

Interesting work

jO ANNA jARVIS 14 Aug 2005

Fantastic real life concepts, presented in an abstract...Love your work!

Konstantina Daskalaki 14 Aug 2005

Very interesting surrealistic work. Well done!

stephanie atlee 13 Aug 2005

So much to look at and almost painful feeling to the picture...very nicely done...very surreal and moving.

Gail Nordlof 13 Aug 2005

I could look at this for long periods of time. I like the surrealism and the symbolism. The shadows from the leaves and pencil, the footprints, the flesh and photograph.

Mark Sedgwick 13 Aug 2005

Love the organic feel to this piece, the depth and symbolism is tremendous

Joke Schotting 13 Aug 2005

Great work Hisham

Roger Trivinos 13 Aug 2005

I don't usually comment in digital work. But I have to say that you have a great imagination and sense for lighting. Is a picture that seems to reflect trouble, confution, nice surrealism.

Roger C 13 Aug 2005

Well Hisham Zrake I have to be honest and say that the painting does nothing for me!

William Boyer 13 Aug 2005

great job, keep up the great work.

marieanna missen 13 Aug 2005

Very emotional work Hisham,It appears that maybe your work represents a deep struggle for learning and trying to acheive something.The feet seem to suggest that maybe you feel you are emotionally forever walking round in circles and not finding what you are looking for.It seems as though you are imprisoned by grief and turmoil and can't break free.Your work is very beautifull but i feel great sadness and compassion for you.KIndess wishes,MarieAnna.

steve running 13 Aug 2005

I LIKE IT! Nice work!!!

Bernard Dumaine 13 Aug 2005

Nice surrealism :-)

george martinez 12 Aug 2005

very dramatic composition my friend, I believe any artist has his own interpretation and you have yours, in different dimention, right!, as an illustrator and composition it looks good to me, about the meaning is hard to say I only may guess what you tried to express in this composition hisham, but it looks good.

Christine brand 12 Aug 2005

Hisham!! Helloooo! I think all your work is full of a universe of thought and emotion. U are a sensitive soul! I see an artist trying to live n reach out to others to know them n himself to find reason n meaning in all he does n the things that have happened in his life. He is hurt n lonely n feels as though he has lost time n love in his pursuit!!! His life has been his art n he does not know what to do sometimes in order to carry on. It is a sad piece Hisham! the walls seem dark n his sleep has become restless his life is troubled. But!!! there are the green leaves that float in the air perhaps upon him in his sorrow and as they do they could touch him with life b4 they die!!! there is a window n a door that r white with goodness n a way out there r his books that he holds close to him n cherishes...there are more pictures to be created n the artist is still alive...I love your pieces Hisham, because they are like gifts of feeling n a heart of hope even in the sorrow!!! May all the life n love that U deserve be yours!!! I wish that for U Dearest Zrake!!!! excellent expressive piece. Beautiful!!! Please have a wonderful weekend n take care n until we speak over the wires again may the bird of peace n light rule your domain!!! the dice have not hit the floor so U can not say what the ending shall be...it is the living that is important n what the artist will do now until his time for eternity that is of signifigance. this is what the positive people would say... it is in the search for truth and the striving to know n love that is important...I do not know what to tell U except I try to feel with U n send my best thoughts if they help. Sincerely Christine

B.A. Davison 12 Aug 2005


Devon Wilson 12 Aug 2005

wow this is well done and says a lot neate peice, the feet and prints are neat...

Matthew Steffen 12 Aug 2005

Good work I like the foot prints

Anonymous Guest 12 Aug 2005

Excellent image, as usual. Xyxx

Dawn Landrum 12 Aug 2005

This is really neat! Very good work.

sharon hendrickson 12 Aug 2005

Life is a circle :) A circle of cycles and you show this perfectly :D I disagree with mike in seeing that this has total structure and subject matter. The piece must be looked at as a whole. It isn't one that can be glanced at. Awesome concept and I love the title, it says it all. Well done !!~*****~!!

Mike Sankey 12 Aug 2005

clever rendering, but no real subject or structure to the piece .

Emily Reed 12 Aug 2005

Interesting but hard to understand the theme or point.

thea walstra 12 Aug 2005

Different and creative, but I think the most important subject can be bigger to get more attention. Good work!