• Katie Luna
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  • Image 10 of 62
  • Added 18 May 2005
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Did this in art class earlier this year. (just got around to scanning it) We were given a word, and had to use it to make a picture. I got the word Rejection. I really like this one, but I couldn't actually get the piece to scan it, so I scanned it from a book it's in. Here's how I drew it: first on a scrap piece of paper we sketched what we saw (after bringing in items and setting up a still life) and then covered the back with lead or ebony pencil. Afterwards we put this scrap piece of paper onto a sheet of Illustration board with the lead covered side down. We then traced our original lines of the sketch so that it would transfer to the board. When that was finished the scrap could be thrown out or w/e, I kept mine. Then re-drawing the transfer and shading in only the darkest of shadows, the board was coated with a color of choice in Water Color. Either a full wash of one color, or individual color in each shape. After the water color has dried, a mixture of Acrylic Medium and a paste of some sort (I can't remember exactly) was washed over everything in a clear coat. This makes the surface rough and textured. Once that has dried you finish the piece in Prisma Color Pencils, remembering to keep them extra sharp. Keeping them really sharp, and the texture on the paper makes the true color of the pencil come out.

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