Among the most common androids ever made were the fast food variants, many of whom had skin pigmentation in the logo colors of the company that purchased them, although their plastic skin is usually incomplete and most exhibit purposely visible joint seams, servo motor and access panels. Many were made without legs, and instead moved about the front counter at a burger joint or pizza house on a track. They are almost always built to look like teenagers and have the same mannerisms and vocal range of humans aged 14 to 19. Some, 1 in 20, were built in the likeness of a fast-food joint’s mascot, animal character, clown or other corporate persona — which while comical looking, these brightly colored, funny talking and oddly shaped individual units rarely survive long in the brutal post-apocalyptic world of the Mutant Epoch. Hand drawn ink art from page 32, and text from page 36 of The Mutant Epoch RPG Expansion Rules book Check it out here:
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