Beautifully Painted,so well Created with wonderful style you have with all your Gallery,also very Skillfully done,some I'm quite sure with a story to tell,some very unique,definately a BRAND,that can be identified as yours because of a Technique you have ,& all your works of Art show this.
Artist Reply: Thank You Al Budarin for your very kind and detailed comment! I appreciate your time viewing my artwork. I enjoyed looking at your landscapes and your style of work…
Al Budarin 16 Jan 2024
Beautifully Painted,so well Created with wonderful style you have with all your Gallery,also very Skillfully done,some I'm quite sure with a story to tell,some very unique,definately a BRAND,that can be identified as yours because of a Technique you have ,& all your works of Art show this.daniel morgenstern 03 Sep 2023
What a beautiful painting! Well done, Delia!