• William McAusland
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  • Image 139 of 702
  • Added 13 May 2022
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Minions of The Skullgut

A few well armed, attentive skullocks spread out as they move through the wastes. This squad searches for a new ‘companion’ to fill the empty spot in their master’s belly. Teams of villainous humanoids are always extra challenging foes. Ink art from this week’s Monday Mutant release: the Skullgut. See all our Monday Mutants here: https://www.outlandarts.com/mondaymutants.htm

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Rick Corbett 13 May 2022

Real nice illustration, great details. Amazing job with creating a story and bringing the viewer into that story. Excellent work!

Artist Reply: Thanks Rick! These are some nasty muties for certain.