• William McAusland
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  • Image 311 of 702
  • Added 20 Jun 2021
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Departing Pitford

A team of ruin explorers leave the safety and comfort of Pitford and enter the outskirts of the Great Ruins. Also called diggers, looters, grave robbers, salvagers, excavators, and treasure hunters, these intrepid adventurers often prefer the title of archeologist. Art from page 9 of this 200 page TTRPG book. https://www.outlandarts.com/TME-Pitford.htm #outlandsystem #outlandarts #mutants #mutant #epoch #TME #tabletoprpg #gaming #tabletopgame #indiegame #gamer like #gammaworld or #fallout or #mutantcrawlclassics #gameart #scifi #art #archeology

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