• William McAusland
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  • Image 378 of 702
  • Added 14 Mar 2021
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Mobilamortus Tree

Shambling, flesh stripping, seed spreading, village flattening, wall breaking, and terror-inducing are what these mutant weeping willows do best. A colossal ‘mobi’ can stand 50m tall and has 500+2d1000 endurance (hit points). Truly one of the giants of the Epochian landscape. From page 85 of Mutant Bestiary One. http://www.outlandarts.com/mutantbestiary1.htm

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Anonymous Guest

Karen Muro Aréchiga 14 Mar 2021

WOW, wow, WOW my picture of the day!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much, Karen. I really appreciate all your nice comments! WM