• Elton Houck
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  • Added 04 Jul 2020
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WARS AND RUMORS OF WAR...(C) 2020 ..Elton Houck.. Jesus said when you see this with many other endtime events starting to happen simutaneously, and with greater and greater regularity and intensity--LOOK UP YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWTH NIGH... but only if you are forgiven! .How can one be forgiven and be in harmomy and fellowship with GOD? You are thinking..one must be a monk and live in poverty..or be in church every spare moment of every day... or give away all your possesions to the poor and needy...0r stand on a downtown street corner and shake your Bible in people's faces while telling them they are on a fast tract to hell... or go to siminary and become a world-shaker television evangalist. None of these in themselves, or all put together, can erase your sin and make you holy in God's sight...One thing is needed to be a son of God..and that is forgivness of sin ..and only one in the cosmos has the credentials that allow you to be forgiven;;;Jesus,being sinless and both a man and God paid your sin debt, by his blood sacrafice on the cross of Calvary...Forgiveness is yours for the taking...all that you could not even forgive yourself for will be wiped clean by Jesus' blood shed for you;. To accept Jesus as Lord is for you joy eternally in heaven....to turn God down and refuse to accept salvation is the dumbest thing any human being could ever do--you are joining Lucifer for eternal torment in hell amid everlasting flames that never die.....Do not give away the priceles gift of life eternal....do not cast your immortal soul into the furnace of eternal flaming agony,,,Jesus will save you ------------if you only ask.....

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