• Bowman Keath
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  • Image 32 of 34
  • Added 26 Mar 2019
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This fishing boat was docked in Sitka, Alaska when we visited in 2017. One day, when reviewing the photographs from our Alaska cruise, the ship's name, Confidence, caught my eye, and I immediately thought that the image would be perfect for a motivational poster. Actually, the confidence instilled in this humble vessel bubbled over into my psyche, and truly became the motivation for my posting of my personal art on-line, for all to see. This is the true origin story!


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 24 Sep 2023

This boat's captain passed away in 2018. His Dad lives in Sitka and would love this image. His name is Jay Clifton.

Kevin Smith 26 Apr 2019

Very cool story. Love the colors and mood in this one.

Artist Reply: Thanks, Kevin, for reading the story. This boat actually jump-started my right-brain and gave me ‘confidence’ to post art, and more importantly, to connect with other artists like yourself. Much appreciated!