• Cheryl Pettigrew
  • View Portfolio
  • Image 185 of 230
  • Added 22 Dec 2018
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My World

This painting, is it truly a portrayal of how I see my world? Probably not. But it is how I feel about it. Reaching, stretching, longing for the hidden ideas and dreams that lie deep within me. This is something we all share as humans. From the time we are children and are learning to speak we are told stories and tales that transport us into the land of imagination. But is it more than just dreams? I believe so. I think we all have desires that are not only formed as we grow but are also a gift from the creator, something that lies deep within each of us waiting to be opened. The ultimate task of my life is to unlock these dreams and fulfill my destiny. When this life is over I hope to hear the words - Well Done. And so as I live day to day I realize I need to be the champion of my world. As I strive to make my way towards self expression and my dream I am grateful and blessed to be able to share it in my paintings.

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