Children of Carnage by Seth Weaver |

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Children of Carnage

© Seth F. Weaver Sr. 05/21/18. The flags of the nations of the world gently flutter in the breeze as the forgotten littlest victims of war wander through rubble looking for their parent or just something to eat. It has been said that wars are started by hungry politicians seeking power, wealth, and position. While young men fight them and die. The precious price on families is beyond what any of them can pay. I found three antique black and white photos from World War II that inspired me to create this anti-war creation of mine. All these scenes where colorized by me. The fellow holding the giant yellow teddy bear (maybe a Winnie-the-Pooh) was from the London Blitz era. The children at the bottom of the picture were from Paris as they watched a scary puppet show. The little girl in the corners is holding her precious doll probably after her family was killed in the bombing of Great Britain. This image as I was creating it has haunted me. All people need to see and realize the littlest victims of war are always the children. A Compullage™and Manipuography™ creation.


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annette steens 15 Apr 2020

Thanks so much for your fine words Seth, wishing for you too the same! Bless!

annette steens 15 Apr 2020

Why have I to see this great work today? We have to stop our inner wars before peace will come on this planet. I still believe in goodness!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much dear Annette for your wonderful comment on this creation of mine. May Our Heavenly Father bless You With Good Health For You and All You Love!

Renata Cavanaugh 04 Nov 2018

Excellent work Seth

Artist Reply: Thank you dear Renata for your wonderful compliment on this work of mine.

Al Budarin 21 Sep 2018

Amazingly Skillfully done Very Talented in your craft

Artist Reply: Al it is so nice to meet you on AW. Thank you so much for your visit and comment on my work.

Anneke Hut 21 Jun 2018

So true, sadly the powers will always start again. No tears will ever stop them.

Artist Reply: Thank you Anneke for your comment and visit!