• Erin Ruiz
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  • Added 10 Nov 2004
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.+.hoshi no tsuki.+.

Long ago, a young rabbit from Earth was banished to the moon for a crime he didn't commit. For centuries he lived on that desolate orb, distantly watching his home above him, spinning solemnly in the dusty, speckled darkness. After time, he forgot about his reason for existing there; his reason for staring at that blue marble of a planet and how it pained him to look though he could not turn his gaze. Time passed, and on Earth he was long forgotten... Until one evening, one of the Earthly deities was searching through archives of the Eternal Library, tidying up and archiving ancient things, and found an interesting case. He took the file with him to his sanctuary and read through it carefully and deigning that he, Yuki was the prisoner's name, has more than enough fullfilled his sentence. By the time of the next Meeting of the Gods, he presented the case, but none were willing to hear him. He was too low a deity to listen to. Feeling obligation to have this young rabbit freed from his prison, he took a journey to the moon. He arrived on the moon and found Yuki in his usual stop, staring at the blue globe that he had become very fond of lately. The deity walked shyly up to Yuki and asked him if he wanted to be free to go back. "Go back? To where? I've only known 'here' and nothing more..." "To Earth, the blue object hanging low in the sky," said the deity. "That is where you are from; where you should be." Yuki smiled faintly, his mind wandering somewhere else. "I no longer remember that place. Whenever I do, I feel angry, lost, and betrayed... I never want to go back." "Then why do you stare at it so?" "Is it wrong to look at the only colorful thing in this place?" The deity stared at the rabbit, his pale gray color and deep black eyes. "I see... Then I shall bring you color. Color that you have never imagined. Color that will leave you breathless." He grinned widely and touched his hands to Yuki's back, mumbling gibberish under his breath. A wave of spectacular color sprang forth from the rabbit's back, a flurry of feathery fluff and rainbow color colliding into beautiful patterns changing softly under the harsh light of space. "With these you able to fly to Earth and back," the deity explained, "and with them you shall always remember the colors of the world; the colors of the universe. Please cherish this gift, my dear Yuki." And with that, he set off back to Earth. Yuki stood on the plane of gray dust, admiring his new wings and colors in soft silence. Such magnificent colors! Never again would he only see in shades of gray, but in pulses of fuschia, purple, blue, red, orange, yellow! His world seemed so much brighter now. He felt like he truly was closer to the home he'd long lost. He was himself again...

5 of 7 Comments Show All 7 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Kristen Doty 27 Jan 2006

Love the colours!

shelby 30 Dec 2005

beautiful story, thecolors are amazing

Svala jonsdottir 27 May 2005

*hhuuhh* such god story, and the picture is cool :)

Nancy Woolweber 10 Nov 2004


Yasmin Newman 10 Nov 2004

Nice colours. ^^