"The Monster Mashup," c. 2014 by Mark Kokopelli Watkins, Artist | ArtWanted.com

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"The Monster Mashup," c.2014, is a ink/pen art piece, done on an 11" x 14" piece of watercolor paper. It includes Al Capone, the Mummy, the Benton House Ghosts in haunted Irvington in Indy, Viking ghosts, me as a vampire and more. Jesus of Nazareth is also included in this ink piece because the Roman Empire had him crucified as, "a lawbreaker, a revolutionary treat to the Roman Empire, a religious zealot who started a movement followed by a ragtag group of disciples and was crucified with a sign above his head showing his crime, "King of the Jews," because they called him a criminal/traitor against Rome. To those who had him murdered, he was a threat to the authorities and "a miracles monster, who caused people to believe in God's powers on earth again!...thus comes the "Mashup." The River Styx in the bottom left corner, a river in Greek mythology that formed the boundary between Earth and the Underworld (the domain usually called Hades, which is also the name of its ruler).

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