• James Anderson
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  • Added 31 Dec 2014
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The text is hard to read, so here it is. To me there are only four reasons why a person, who calls themselves a “Christian”, might support Barack Hussein Obama. These reasons are as follows: 1. The color of his skin. 2. The hope that his policy of “spreading the wealth” might better your own personal financial situation and a deep seated resentment of others who have more wealth. 3. In the hope of getting free health care at the expense of others. 4. The advancement of Islam and religious diversity in America and the world. 5. All the above or a grouping of some of the above. Are any of the reasons above consistent with being a “Christian”? Did Christ advocate the support of men based upon skin color or upon forcibly taking the wealth of others, for the support of others? Certainly Christ did not endorse any other belief system since he stated that He was the only way to the father. As a “Christian”, one must understand that to give support of a leader for personal gain is inconsistent with the Gospel and to support the man means to support everything he has done and will do. I personally believed that one may call themselves “Christian” in the hope of eternal life, but Christ knows who are His. If one supports this man of sin, then he or she is not a “Christian”, no matter what your church, pastor or denomination may say or teach. I strongly suggest for your own immortal soul that you repent and recognize this fact, if you are an Obama supporter. Bottom line, you can not hold hands with Satan while proclaiming to be a “Christian”. Do not fall into the same error of the German “Christians” during the Hitler years. Below are a list of items done or being done by Obama that you, who call themselves “Christians” are supporting. 1. Destroying the economy of the United States economy to bring down the standard of living, in order to match the average world standard. This will enable an easier transition into the New World Order. 2. Destroying the military and troop morale by the removal of all patriotic, experienced leadership and endorsing homosexuality within. 3. Destroy the Republic and bring in one man rule.-Himself 4. Establish a civilian armed force to subjugate the American patriots who will fight against his dictatorship. 5. Establish Islam and Sharia law as acceptable to America. 6. Condemn true Christians and Christianity as a form of fundamental evil. 7. Establish the homosexual agenda in all sectors of American society. 8. Demoralize the American armed forces and the American Patriots. 9. Convince our foreign enemies, like Russia, that now is the time to conquer America, because we have been weakened. 10. Take all firearms from Americans if possible. 11. If confiscation of all firearms is not possible then remove all ammunition from the shelves. 12. Facilitate the destruction of Israel by supporting radical Islam in the surrounding nations. 13. Bring about the murder of as many Christians as possible, beginning within the middle eastern nations through implementation of the "Arab Spring". 14. Establish FEMA camps within the United States to eliminate unwanted individuals for political or religious reasons. 15. Bring about a massive disaster to a populated area so that he can establish martial law and stay in power. 16. Promote all forms of abortions in America and world wide. 17. Destroy the American constitution and establish UN authority. 18. Promote Abortion world wide with financial aid. 19. Promote the “Morning after pill” (more abortion) 20. Infiltrate our government with agents of the Muslim Brotherhood. 21. Promote race hatred throughout our nation and the world. 22. Use drones in the middle east, that continue to kill many innocent people. 23. Promote and establish drone use in the United States to control the population. 24. Expand the surveillance of US Citizens by any means possible. 25. Change police departments into agents of the government to suppress freedom. 26. Establish a homeland military force for enforcement of a common belief and suppression of freedom. 27. Establish “Patriots, Veterans and fundamental Christians” as the terrorists that must be resisted. 28. Establish Islam in schools, government and churches. 29. Deny any surveillance of Mosques in the USA for terrorist activities.


Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 13 Aug 2015

Totally agree!!

Joanna Jungjohann 07 Jan 2015

anti christ bama

Artist Reply: If he is not The Antichrist then he is definitely a anti-Christ.

cindy kelly 31 Dec 2014


Artist Reply: Thanks again Cindy!