• Lauren Maxwell
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  • Added 16 Oct 2004
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Bright Eyes-Jeremiah

God, where do I start? What can I say? This is my prayer to you, my dear friend. I can't believe your dead, you were only 16 years old. I....I can't seem to grasp the concept. I know we havn't spoken since we went to seperate highschools but you were my best friend all through grade school and in Jr. High. We played DBZ together like the losers we were.... You were one of the only people who ever wanted to do the things that I wanted to do. Remember that time you came over to my house and we played that Computer game where we had to try and prevent the titanic from sinking? Or the times that we spent playing Roleplaying games in my backyard? How about the time your family took me to the premier of StarWars Episode 1? Sweet Jesus Jeremiah, what a way to die...God I hope the smoke got to you before the flame. I love you Fiver, remember when we use to play watership down in sixth grade? Christina was Bigwig, Sean was Woundwart, I was Hazel, and you were fiver; my little brother. I remember when we pretended we were sayains and we made those stupid scanners and yelled at people about their pittiful power levels....Jesus we were such geeks when we were kids. I wanna cry right now, I wanna hug ya and tell you how sorry I am that we didn't keep in touch, how sorry I am I didn't go to your sister's funeral, how sorry that I am that for all the years that I helped protect you from bullies in the end, when we were far apart, I found myself laughing right along. I love you Jeremiah, you were like a little brother to me and you never turned your back on me. In your honor I will always remember you and I will do everything in my power to become a better person and a presidence to my peers. I remember that time when I use to write stories...I wish you could read Fallen I know that you would have loved it, it's my newest and proudest piece. I do remember that Medallion story you wrote, I'll try and remember what it was about and recreate for you if I can. You were so smart, and you had so much potential in life I hope to God that you become his brightest and most amazing star. It's so unfair that I get to live and I get to have a shot at living my dreams and your dreams, what you could have accomplished is now up in smoke along with your family. Your family was so nice to me, I'm so sorry your gone. I love you, you were like a little brother to me Oh God, please don't be dead. Give me another chance to be your best friend again, let me have another chance at being Hazel just like old times. Please God, bring him back. It's not fair that he had to die, please God don't take him away. Sure, he didn't take very good care of himself but God he was so beautiful on the inside he was like a little brother to me. I'm so sorry I couldn't have been a better friend and I promise to God that I will do everything I can not to give into human weakness. Thank you Jeremiah for the important lesson you taught me, thank you for caring about me and thank you for standing up for and making me feel like I was cool even when I was the stupidest acting kid in the bunch. I will always remember you and you will always remain in my heart as fiver. Goodbye.

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 24 Aug 2005

This is a terrific artwork. I am sorry for the loss of your friend, i don't know you but i am almost crying at my keyboard right now.

tim linville 18 Oct 2004

Great presentation,Lauren!

Sherrie Kostura 18 Oct 2004

Very nice work!

Dawn Landrum 17 Oct 2004

In viewing your work I find you have great talent. I would love for you to view my work. Come see my portfolio any time. This is a great peice!

Dawn Bigford 17 Oct 2004

very nice.