• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 01 Jul 2013
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Free your soul…..from the EARTH TRAP………………………….. I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. -Chinese Proverb………………………………… I have drawn out the rat from the woodpile. The rat that I am referring to is the whistleblower who does not understand what my art and my books are trying to convey. They are what I call “Monsanto sleep walkers” whom have been, for the past ten years, eating GM food without realizing it. It is sad that someone was trying to twist my intent, turning something that was meant to be soul-awakening into something that fits their own earth-bound paradigm. In addition, let me be perfectly clear about one thing; I would like to see all pornographic material/internet sites completely banned worldwide, as a soul-healer I believe that they are very degrading and dangerous to the soul and children in particular………………………………. That being said, we come to the truth of the matter which is that we are all so busy running around here and there, doing this and that, and getting caught up in various methodologies and ideologies, that we tend to forget why we are really here………………………………. To understand this particular series of paintings is to understand the progression of a soul. These paintings are NOT to be viewed from an earthly perspective with your two physical eyes (like the whistleblower), but from your third eye which exists in a clearer, higher vibration. This higher vibration can help lift your soul off the heavy denseness of this polarized planet into an eternal space……………………………………… As you are now looking through your third eye you can see that this series of paintings is radiating a higher vibration of a sacred energy that humanity has been abusing for thousands of years….just as GM is raping our minds and our food through mass control today. ………………….. Congratulations! You are now beginning to understand the true intent of this sacred energy, not to be abused or used as recreation, but to lift your soul, and in the process help to lift all those around you. ……………………………………………. Don’t let the earth trap you into a two eyed vision of mankind’s limited thoughts and belief systems of religion, sex, drugs, ego, marriage, control, etc. Take responsibility for your own soul’s destiny by stepping out of those boxes, even if it’s only for a moment in time so that you can see, for yourself, who you truly are, a higher being of vibration and light……………………… …………………………….. Please remember, we live on a polarized planet of opposite polarities: rich/poor, health/disease, love/fear, and male/female. It is only off this earth plane that you can truly be who you were created to be….an androgynous being in an eternal space of divine light. …………………..BUT to achieve this ‘space’ you require a kundalini, or resurrection in the Christ/Buddha energy. Then in ‘consciousness’ live that life you have taken thousands of years to achieve............AW pic did not show nipples...................A MORE DETAILED - ONE =nipples -can be seen at............. http://www.artvipgallery.com/photo/two-camberwell-beauties?commentId=6606544%3AComment%3A40845&xg_source=msg_com_photo


Anonymous Guest

Chris Roukema 01 Jul 2013

Very Powerful Work as Always, Ron! Nothing worse than a Rat in a Wood Pile! The Cats will look after it! Unfortunately, there is Always going to be Friction from the Ones Who will never Get it! Some of us Understand Your Intent & Wisdom! Smiles & Greetings from Canada!

Artist Reply: Smiles and GREETINGS from UK

Anonymous Guest 01 Jul 2013

Thank u Ron for sharing your work and hard hitting valued perspective, thought-provoking indeed! XxM