• Ron Atkin
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  • Added 24 Feb 2013
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ADAM AND EVE FALL Why? Because like everyone today they preferred the fruit from the tree of knowledge………………………………… In picture one ADAM and EVE still had the use of their optic thalamus. However you cannot serve two masters . They chose to use emotionally and physically their two physical eyes. Which has resulted in a long journey of submergence into materialism for everyone on the planet…………………………With IDC Innerdimensional Consciousness you can live in both worlds BUT serve only the divine master who speaks not with a forked tongue but with the truth of the numinous. THE ALL SEEING EYE – the optic thalamus—THE I AM………………………………..Learn to walk in this special land and practice soul healing as I do…………………….The following is a true story from the 1972 – 76………………………………. Before I explain this fourth dimension I shall also reiterate how important, after healing on this level, I return to get my feet on the physical earth…Gardening, walking Painting…writing and listening to the music of the plant kingdom spheres………………………………… I will now try to explain what soulscape or soul portrait means. For example if I am given the full name of a person, I can "visit" that person's soul planet. Then without landing on it I can diagnose their problems. I, as it were, then paint a portrait of it and their essence. The following example may illustrate what I see: -…………………………………… In the early 1970s' when we moved to Devon, a psychic lady asked me if I would have a look at her husband who was in a home suffering from MS. The diagnosis was in this case very simple - he was standing on "his planet" surrounded by fire. This means he was angry, so angry, he was as the saying goes – ‘so and so makes my blood boil.’ Because the wife could not take care of him she had to put him in a safe environment. He was furious with her and would hardly communicate when she visited him. I asked her what his interests had been before he became ill, one of the most passionate I gathered, had been the Bible. ……………………………… Armed with this knowledge I visited him again. This time I made myself known to him as a figure from the Bible. In other words I was disguised as a Biblical figure…………………………………….. His response was warm and friendly. I suggested telepathically that he should "visualize" a watering can full of water, which he did. Then it was very simple to teach him over the next three months, how to put out the fire for about 6 feet around him. This he did and learned how to grow flowers in this area. His wife for the next 5 years was able to visit him as he was totally changed from anger to peace…………………………………….. It was 7pm five years later when his wife rang me to say her husband was in a Plymouth hospital. The doctors had expected him to die three days earlier and they could not understand why he hadn't. I visited his soulscape; the reason was very simple he did not know how to reach his river to pass over, because of the fire which, except for his 6 feet circle of garden, the remaining areas were still in full flame……………………………. I appeared again in disguise and suggested he used his can of water to make a path, by watering out the fire as he walked towards his river. He did this and I followed behind. He crossed over and was met by a group of friends and relations……………………………………………. As I returned to my body at 7.20pm, his wife rang again; the doctors had just rung her to say he had died. I said, ‘yes I know, I saw him pass over.’……………………………….. At 10pm as I was about to go to sleep, relatives said their thank you by giving me a bunch of psychic flowers!… Ron Atkin………………………………….. IN PICTURE TWO is the healing badge I was given for this kind of soulhealing. I trust all who read the above will become soul healers, as there are millions in desperate need of inner healing. Everyone has this eye, do rescue it from the swamp of SO CALLED knowledge, and say ?????????????????? Do not use drugs to smash the door down; you may regret it for many lifetimes. ...............REMEMBER to live on this planet of opposites you will have to carry two suit cases, one in which you have your soulhealing gown in, and the other to carry the odd bits of earth knowledge to get you from A to B.


Anonymous Guest

John Cappello 19 Jun 2014

VERY NICE THIS Caught my eye!

Anonymous Guest 27 Feb 2013

Brilliant as always Ron. Wonderful painting and what an adventure of words! Would the forth dimension then be also the place that we all get to visit each time we visit our inner beach? xx

Artist Reply: YES. "Know thy self, and thou shalt know the universe and its Gods."

Anonymous Guest 25 Feb 2013

This is really great Ron... the painting is wonderful but the words our fantastic... your Soulscape you did of me I will always be grateful for.. you hit it right-on.. and it's helped me heal alot thru the few years that i've known you my friend and for that i thank you... Phil C-$