• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 04 Dec 2012
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Santa Rod

Santa Rod a 23 Ford Model-T Roadster Hot Rod Filled with Gifts! Now thas what I'm talkin bout! Santa Rod is one hot blown Ford Model-T Roadster modeled after a 1923 Ford Pickup Truck - how cool is that! We should hold a raffle to guess how many presents it takes to fill a 23 Ford Roadster like the one we have here titled Santa Rod. The prize could be a dinner out on the town with ol' Chas & Ol'what'shername - JJ - - - at the prize winners expense of course - Ha! ~:0) U know it may be that Christmas time of year that we did this pix we like to call Santa Rod, but I can't help think how cool it'd be to have a nice print of this Hot Rod up on the wall in Ur game room or clubhouse. JJ sez call it a man-cave or no one'll know what I'm talking about. So there u have it! It's a pix that keeps on giving all year round. What could be better! We seem to keep running into this good looking roadster all over the state. I don't know what motivates a hot rod or rat rod owner to keep up a wearing schedule trailering their custom ride all over the region. Got to be expensive what with entry fees, tow-truck, trailer, hotel rooms, meals, insurance and all. I'm guessing it's like most sports. Love of the game keeps 'em going. And wanting to share a great looking project with other folks around the state. And in some cases the nation. ~:0) One thing I recommend when U make it out to a car show where the owners are sitting in a camp chair sharing stories with their buddies is communicate with them. What I mean is - see if they'd like to talk to U about their car or truck. Some might not be interested in making new friends. But most I run across love to talk about the work they put in to their "baby". U could do worse than make a new friend out there. Especially one who knows the ropes on wrangling up a cool Hot Rod like Santa Rod here. I tell U what - talk to rat rodders. They love to tell U all about how they found their ride and what condition it was in b/4 they resurrected it. There ya go! Now U got something to do with urself b/sides watching TV or playing video games. Instead of living life vicariously - U might want to make a go at having some real adventures! Good-On-Us-All ~:0) VivaChas! Santa Rod at Hot Rodney Hot Rods

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