• Chas Sinklier
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  • Added 07 Nov 2012
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37 Ranch Truck

It doesn’t matter if this 37 Ranch Truck is a Ford, Chevy or Dodge.  Who ever it was made it, this truck is a tough old ranch truck.  And it is a real bewdy!  From the two- tone paint to the wood rails this 37 Ranch Truck is all about remembrance and history.  I guess I’m saying this pickup has style! ~:0) Like ol’what’shername always says – “why don’t people want cars and trucks with real style?”  I often respond to her with something along the lines of – that’s why so many attend car shows!  They want to see and dream about cars with style and classic lines.  A person can always restore or even buy a ride from the the thirties  forties or fifties – or from any time – that they believe trucks and cars had style.  Or if they see style in any other age, they can put their money where their dreams are.  You can drive a nice 37 Ranch Truck if that’s what U want.  All it takes is the cash! It’s no secret to those who frequent the Hot Rodney Hot Rods or VivaChas! sites that good ol’ Juni and me drive around in a yellow hot rod truck.  Before that we tooled in some other kind of street rod or hot rodded ride.  And right now I’m still pounding away on a nasty old Willys Jeep Pickup Rat Rod.  All these means of transportation have one thing in common. They all have what we consider to be style.  Now I would pick this great little 37 Ranch Truck in a heart-beat for it’s style.  While one of more mundane tastes would chose a ’90 Honda for its style – Ha!  Sorry, that laugh was completely involuntary – Double Ha!  Or, in keeping with the recent election results – Double-Plus Ha!  ( I suppose some would need that literary reference explained to them, but not by me – Ha! )  Wow!  I must have the giggles today – Ha! Anyway – all I’m saying is it all a horse-race when it comes to appreciating style.  Saying one wants a ride that looks like something just might mean something different to the average pedestrian.  All things being equal this 37 Ranch Truck photo can be yours with the click of a few buttons.  Go for a size u can see up on the wall.  I like 16 x 20 inch pix b/c they’re big enough to see detail and big enough to compete with the competition for wall space.  And they’re still reasonably priced enough to be a great place to start ur collection of VivaChas! Art!  -  Aren’t U the lucky one ~:0) VivaChas!

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Karen Helsing 07 Nov 2012

Very good truck!

Artist Reply: Right U R Karen - with what these people must of spent on the restoration they have come up with a Very Good Truck - - - still it is tiny inside - can only stand to be in it a few minutes - woo! ~:0) VivaChas!