illustration for illustration sake.. do you need a reason to draw?? copy right to artist
Armando Salas 20 Nov 2005
Beautiful as always, Ekua.William Boyer 02 Oct 2004
Great job on all. Have you thaught about doing this in Acrylic or oil? Keep up the good work.Stu Smith 30 Sep 2004
Great illustration. I would have made her standing ankle a lot thinner, but this is a fashiony piece and you people get away with murder! Anyway, I still get excited at the sight of a ladies ankle, I'm an old-fashioned chap.Andree Lerat 08 Sep 2004
NICE YOGA MOVE OR TOO MUCH SAKE. If you want to know the reason we create art, we'll be so busy art would die.Rob Jones 08 Sep 2004
perfect reasoning, nice illustration