• Joshua Ward
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  • Added 01 Sep 2011
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Miriam Louisa Arcturus Gavrielle

Name- Miriam Louisa Arcturus Gavrielle DOB- 6/1/120 AG Eye Colour- Crimson Hair- Blonde Sex- Female (Herm) Nationality- Lithovanian Height- 5'5' Weight- 118lbs Occupation- Seamstress Hobby(s)- Violin, sewing, tarot cards, writing Distinguishing Feature(s)- Custom dresses One would never guess the life that this enchanting woman has led, not even those remotely close to her. Underneath her hospitable and spirited demeanor, there is more than one face. Having developed a alternate personality in her youth due to a traumatic event, it was the catalyst of the descent. Even at birth, she was born into a body of contradiction. This would have immense gravity upon her later in life. Miriam's life in The Colony was during fearful times caused by Ripper epidemics. Unknown how it was changing the Penumbra, many methods were tried to contain it, but the inevitability of it was certain for her family. Miriam's father concealed his symptoms while her grandfather was sudden. Miriam and Cachusa were taken captive in their own home, beaten and raped for several days until her mother broke free and slaughtered those she once loved. Miriam was only able to survive because of her Penumbra body being able to resist what would kill any other ten year old girl. Knowing how the incident would have been treated, Cachusa took her daughter and ran away into the outside world. Among those that feared their kind, living by deceit built into Miriam's personality. Denying that even left its mark upon her body, Viktoria was born. Facilitating her face for the world, not even Cachusa knew the depths of her daughter's state nor how far it would take her. As a young women, Viktoria explored the potentials of her body with those willing to accept it. Usually, prostitutes would accommodate, but the occasional "thrill seeker" as she called them would fall to her allure. Never abiding in one setting too long, the two found an isolated abode in a small village of Isalme. It was there that Miriam/Viktoria would meet the one that would change both lives. Rema Merloci was but a young girl at the time, yet held a mysterious knowledge of the world even though a poor soldier's daughter. Miriam expounded her 100+ years of experience, in turn, she found she regained something in Rema. Promising blood companionship between them, it would never be fulfilled. Upon learning the darkness biding them, Viktoria revealed what wickedness she was capable of. She murdered Rema's father left Miriam to contend with the scene. Fleeing home, she found her mother lying in the wreckage of their home. Their enemies had caught up with them, but the hunt was far from over. Miriam tracked them down to their village and killed all but women and children. From then on, the veil between Miriam and Viktoria fell and became indistinguishable. Leaving behind Rema, Viktoria sought the darkness of Isalme. Becoming a courtesan, she quickly became famous and in high demand for her talents. Eventually coming to have her own harem, Viktoria became a respected Madame, yet dangerous association. Just as unexpectedly as they had met, Rema resurfaced, a woman accomplished in her dream. Like her, the past still held strongly. It took a year before Miriam herself allowed herself to face Rema. The obviousness of the love between them was finally consummated, but the road to maintain its secrecy would not be easy. Rema taking in Ira and Mila bonded them together further. Miriam adopted Mila as her own, not guessing the girl would be the link to her destiny. Leaving another life behind, this one would be one she was willing to fight for. And fight for it she would....

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