• Laura Grisham
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  • Image 73 of 86
  • Added 22 Jun 2011
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Pug - Chloe

This is Chloe...the Pug. I've never personally met her, but she is the pet of a friend of a former student of mine, Alicia. Alicia had me as a teacher when she was in the 8th grade. She is now 26. My how time flies! Anyway, she was very sick then and just recently found out why...she had Cushings Disease. They removed a tumor from her pituitary gland and she should get better over time. While she was recouperating, she stayed with her friend, Vickie. And guess who Chloe belongs to? Yep...Vickie. It's Alicia's way of saying thank you. And painting "Chloe" for Alicia is MY way of saying thank you to her for always staying in touch and making me feel special.

1 Comment

Anonymous Guest

Mathea O'Leary 22 Jun 2011

Love the mug of the pug - All your paintings are wonderful...

Artist Reply: Mathea: thank you for taking the time to comment on my painting. However, I only post the "good" paintings...you should see some of the ones that didn't make the cut! But WOW...it's so nice to hear someone say your work is wonderful!!