• Steve Kimball
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  • Image 72 of 117
  • Added 20 Jul 2004
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bad tomato

Don't eat that one! In every bunch of tomatoes (much like apples and eggs) there's a bad one. I seem to have found it. To put this together, I had to decide which tomato to add the evil face and Manson-esque X to. Since the depth of field is relatively short, which tomato to use was limited. Subtlety works best in both digital manipulation and photography. If you look at the dragon egg image that I posted a few days ago, you'll a similar subtlety in the hatching dragon that is out of focus on purpose. . .it's something to make people look at and not see the first time around. You look at the eggs from yesterday or the tomatoes today and say "boring". . .till the one subtle change grabs your eye. Also note that a good image follows the "rule of thirds" and that very rarely should your focal point be centered on the page (or screen). I don't normally go on about images or rant about why I've set up images like I have, but recently, some folks who don't understand my work use "rating" images as a protest tool. Thus the only way at present to combat it is to pull the image and repost it or delete the comments. It's not a big deal to do!. . .just kinda' sad for those folks. Me, I've learned that if I don't like something, I don't comment on it (mom told me to do that for years. . .she was RIGHT!).

5 of 8 Comments Show All 8 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Renata Cavanaugh 21 Jul 2004

THis is too funny. I love his evil eyes. Really nice job

Angie Waszkiewicz 20 Jul 2004

Too cool! You have to do a double take ;)

Jassy Konopacki 20 Jul 2004

are you sure that's not a photo? lol

brooke doty 20 Jul 2004


thea walstra 20 Jul 2004

I love this image.