• Jasmine Surreal
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  • Added 07 Apr 2011
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Flower Man

Flower head man with mini person who lives in his coat with semi religious gold background and halo and heart friends who stay on his arm


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Vincent Savage 11 Feb 2016

Oops...forgot to sign in for the last post....

Anonymous Guest 11 Feb 2016

I missed this one during my last visit, it's really wacky but thought provoking i.e. the mysterious extra eyes at the bottom of the painting....I spend a lot of time in the garden and my daughter often calls me "Flower Dad" ...incidentally I've got 2 tubes of gold oil paint I've never opened if you want them :-)

tim linville 10 May 2011

Almost a starTrek Moment...Do I Offer water,in the Moment of Greeting?Excellent Imagination,in Your characterWork!

Artist Reply: Yes I can see the Star Trek likeness! I had hell of a time doing the background on this I used gold lascaux paint which is streaky and not recommended! I do like sci fi and bmovies The Outer Limits Invasion of the Body Snatchers Them etc cult stuff really.