• Joeri Van Royen
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  • Added 12 Oct 2010
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Kasteelvrouwe - Lady of the Castle

First part of a serieof mystical works, Lady of the Castle The Lady wears the 'Gravensteen' (medieval castle that still stands in the city of Ghent) as if it's a crown. She wears it on her gigantic hairdo that makes us think of the world itself. The Castle has been a residence of Counts, cotton mill, medieval reinforcement, to the imposing castle, symbol of power that it was, to tourist attraction which takes many back to their childhood when we where pretending to be knights and princesses... The Castle had a turbulent history of construction, decay and revaluation. Kind of like many artists live, or for what matters, everyones life...

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Sandra S. Corona 02 May 2011

I thought Fergie's daughters went overboard on the hats THEY wore to the wedding of Prince William & Kate! Too bad they didn't find these castles to wear. We wouldn't have seen their faces! Wonderful, imaginative art! What color would her hair be BTW, if it were colored?

Artist Reply: Never gave it any thought, but i guess, dark afro black