





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

just 21- attending Academy of Art University starting this summer for a Bachelor's in Illustration!! I am very excited to begin art school and really hope to one day illustrate for comic books and the like. I also love to draw flash art for tattoos and am currently awaiting to find out if I'm going to be accepted for an apprenticeship :D ....other than art, I also love to write, read, camp----I love anything vampire,zombie,ghoulish,Vertigo(comics),lovvv Constantine and am also a fan of swimming in lakes,cooking, and gardening(not able to do so now though..blarg) I also enjoy a good WiiSports session *laughs* or just having fun in general :)....i wish i could make an excessive hobbie out of getting tattoos to mention here, but I lack in the money dept....slowly but surely my skin is permanently lent to art, for the love of art

as for my own art.. I usually just use markers/pencils for my art, and occasionally throw them into Adobe Illustrator and manipulate them a bit--still learning though :)....I also like using watercolors,acrylics and maybe an occasional collage here and there !! ...just saying that makes me want to start a collage!...i hopefully will be learning to use an airbrush when in school!

Artist Highlights